I honestly don't know yet if they are class S or A. I am pretty sure my contribution record actually says "VC" instead of a "proper class" but I am unsure now and will have to check. I never really thought very much about that. It seems I should. I suspect they are under class S because they were always a flat €500 from the beginning, but my situation is more complicated because I am only eligible to make voluntary contributions because I worked as a socially insured employee in another EU state, however my last PRSI contribution in Ireland was at class S due to rental income. I think I am doing well out of the "flat €500's" per year of contributions so I won't rock that boat too much. I will try to find out closer to the time what actual class my contributions are being made as I would not rule out a short stint of work in Ireland at age 65 if I can use it to ensure my VCs after that are at class A and can be made, health permitting etc.
Edit: I will have the option of an ARF at least. That is really worth bearing in mind and is definitely an argument in favor of the ARF vs the annuity at that stage.
Edit: I will have the option of an ARF at least. That is really worth bearing in mind and is definitely an argument in favor of the ARF vs the annuity at that stage.
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