PS do not employ a sales force; never have. There are brokers who negotiate the deals and people like myself who answer whatever questions the client has. Buying is a very friendly and comfortable process.
There was not inaccurate information on Romania. Im sure you'll be pleased to know it sold out. Thanks guys.
I'm sure it did. Congratulations! A whole new raft of suckers have just been burned! Sleep well tonight.
Best of luck with it!
To the rest of the masses who were lucky enough NOT to have bought in Residence Constanta... Do your homework, visit, check it out, make the relevant comparissons and then, and ONLY then commit yourselves.
If you read some of the threads here you will realise that PS are not ripoff merchants but a reputable, trustworthy company who only have their clients best interest at heart.
It is suggested by PS that clients do their homework, visit the area if time permits and make comparission but thanks for backing me up.
All I think there is some people very pro and very against PS. One thing is for sure, as a competitor of theres' in a much smaller way they are getting fantastic exposure on this site. Here was me thinking this was not to be used as a sale tool?