Property Porn



Did anyone see Househunters on RTE last night (Wed June 28th)? Irish girl recently moved back from London goes house shopping in Dublin. Brillant stuff, some quotes, "and then there's stamp duty on top of that!?"... "I havent got any loans at all, not even a credit card [but she's borrowing almost 600k for a house]"...and my favourite, "[on her new mortgage debt] it's like monopoly money"... the hosts mentioned that she made money on her car, by bringing it back from England(!) and should sell it to fund the downpayment. On viewing the first property, a 2-bed apt for €415k, one of the hosts derridingly said that the place needed a good clean-up cos it "had obviously been on the rental market"...perish the thought of those scum renters having shelter....

[Thread moved by Dr Moriarty from 'Great Financial Debates' to 'Letting Off Steam']
I saw the programme also and would echo your sentiments. I thought most of the properties she looked at were very presentable if over priced (of course). I can't stick the presenter anyway, she's a glorified estate agent- what does she bring to the table in terms of helping anyone purchase a home?
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Her father always said she should have been an auctioneer
Didn't see that particular program because yer wan does my head in. I always thought she was Deirdre O'Kane's sister, based purely on her looks/accent and general eyes-and-teeth-billybarryness.

Her limited vocabulary - 'Now...' 'what do you think?' and general smarminess, makes the programme so unbearable, her co-presenter isn't much better either. They are so unsympathetic to the potential buyers'. Why or how did they got chosen?
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The bloke who co-presents that programme is a language teacher, and Liz is a reformed trolley dolly with a diploma in public relations. If they were property professionals they would be required to back up their advice with hefty professional indemnity coverage, I guess this is why they employ well meaning amateurs to present these shows.
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Arra she is a lot easier on the eye and on the ear than some RTE presenters I could name

Is this the program

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Anyways sherlock holmes is usually on ITV3 around then so I never ever see the property porn any more , oh Yes Watson .
When we were selling our house a few years ago, I read somewhere that one of the basics when showing a prospective purchaser around is to always let them enter a room ahead of you. Ms O'Kane never does this, always barging in first. Is this because she doesn't know her stuff or because she has no manners?
Berlin said:
Is this because she doesn't know her stuff or because she has no manners?
Must be a BA thing, or maybe Loreto Convent..?
MissRibena said:
Didn't see that particular program because yer wan does my head in. I always thought she was Deirdre O'Kane's sister, based purely on her looks/accent and general eyes-and-teeth-billybarryness.


Billybarryness, LOL and spot on.
Should get John Giles and Eamo Dunphy presenting this program! Now that would be class.
'This property is rubbish..'
'It's a good property, not a great property...'
'I don't rate it at all...'
That would be entertainment.
I cannot stand Liz O'Kane. The hands in the air, the emphasis on each word, the smug "amn't I just great for finding you this house". The "I-really-like-this-house", They certainly are no Phil & Kirstie from Location Location Location. Strangely I get a maschostic type of cringe delight watching her dramatics.
ClubMan said:
And they could have comedy sketches by the Aprés Crash team...

You would have to create a whole forum for Aprés Crash , called Aprés Crash .
Grizzly said:
I cannot stand Liz O'Kane. The hands in the air, the emphasis on each word, the smug "amn't I just great for finding you this house". The "I-really-like-this-house",

There mightn't be much joy in the grim years ahead but one of the highlights will almost certainly be seeing the smug looked wiped off her face.

I wonder could I pitch a "Property porn revisted" type show to RTE? Where in a few years time we return to find the buyers sitting on negative equity, trying to repay a jumbo mortgage in the face of rising interest rates etc. etc.

I'm thinking of calling it "The Madness Years".
I'd watch that!

The flashbacks to "now this wud be a great investment" would be hilarious