Property in France - French will?


Registered User
We bought apartment in France a number of years ago and have been advised that it is imperative that a French will be made to handle the succession of this. Apparently, the French system is a nightmare for non-residents in the case of leaving property. Does anybody know the situation on this and if it is advised to make a French will, any advice on how to go about it, please?
We bought apartment in France a number of years ago and have been advised that it is imperative that a French will be made to handle the succession of this. Apparently, the French system is a nightmare for non-residents in the case of leaving property. Does anybody know the situation on this and if it is advised to make a French will, any advice on how to go about it, please?

I believe the problem in France is the right of blood relatives to inherit. The solution is something called a Tontine clause. I am sketchy on this but you will find help on Bonne chance..
French inheritance laws are a bit of a nightmare.

Blevins Franks appear to be a good company to contact for such legal issues in France - I went to one of their seminars 6 years ago and we subsequently purchased our apartment with an "en Tontine" clause to protect ourselves.

Not sure if you can do this retrospectively or if it has to be included in the Act at the time of purchase.
Many thanks for the responses. Looks like we may have opened a can of worms in purchasing a small apartment in France 6 years ago. As it's our second marriage, both with children from first marriage, and exes with other children, it's apparently going to be a nightmare to sort out. It seems French law includes previous partners and their offspring as inheritors automatically, regardless of current status of relationships. I think we may have to sell before long in case our executors are left with an impossible situation to resolve. Whoever said 'the law is an ass' obviously knew the French legal system.
The French legal system gives more protection to children than the Irish legal system - I don't think this is stupid - some children need protecxtion from their parents.