Er - so it's not a hypothetical situation after all?!This is a hypothethical (It did happen to someone before and yes they were arrested) under section 2 of the drug trafficking act even though there were no drugs etc.
The gard never informed that they would be appying for this order which they are obliged to do so legally, so one can object to such an order.
"Donegal" - discuss.gards dont just search joe public without reason.
Yes - but your query is very unclear and confusing. You originally said that it was a hypothetical situation, then that it happened to a friend and then that it happened to you. I'm confused.Lot of assumptions going on here, would just like to point out that innocent until proven guilty is still a fundamental part of irish law.
As Aircobra said a funny walk isnt enough, yet they could still hold onto the money for a long period of time. Why?
Doesnt matter not the most helpful bunch round here anyway. Comments like if they sought legal advice they could tell you etc are great. Keep them up. Delete post if you wish.