Problems with virus and McAfee installing!!


Registered User
Hi all,
In a complete mess at the moment with this stupid laptop so decided to give up trying to sort it on my own and get help from someone who knows what they're talking about!!!:D

Ok my night started with me browsing through online shopping websites. Then these pop ups started from spyware 09 telling me i was being infected by a virus and to install protection to get rid of it. I did end up on this secure payment page with no title on top to buy software to get rid of virus ( I clicked decline on 1st pop up but behind that was another saying purchase spyware so i ended up clicking that while closing 1st one) I wasn't sure what this was so closed it down but then the pop ups constantly opened. I came on this website and through the links on cleaning up pc i downloaded cyberdefender security and the pop ups have stopped ( i also apparently have 204 infections in 52 spyware items???) Do i have to purchase the software to get rid of this?

In the meantime i purchased McAfee Security because it had expired. My boyfriend got it for me initially but i opened my own account and bought it this time coz i dont know the account details he bought it with. I am now trying to install it and at the moment ( and for the last hour) all thats on my screen is a box with McAfee security centre on top and blank in the middle. It said at the start '' accessing information'' and went blank then. If i put the cursor over it the timer sign comes up next to it. Im wondering should it be taking so long to install or is there a problem? Do i need to completely uninstall the original and then reinstall my own?

Thank you in advance for anyone who took the time to read that and respond!!!!! Im at my wits end trying to figure it out so i give trying to do it on my own!!! (As im waiting for replies im currently backing up my files, pics and music - just incase!!!)
I have since uninstalled the McAfee originally on my laptop and tried to install the new one! Same as above is still happening!!!!
uninstall all McAfee versions as it is not providing any virus proection and then reinstall the new edition
My FREE three years with McAfee Security Center almost here. I intend to go for a FREE anti virus e.g. Avira. Firstly what are the best steps for de-installing McAfee? Should I do it a few days before it expires? Is Avira the best?
My FREE three years with McAfee Security Center almost here. I intend to go for a FREE anti virus e.g. Avira. Firstly what are the best steps for de-installing McAfee? Should I do it a few days before it expires? Is Avira the best?

This key post should advise. AVG appears to be the best especially the free version which we use ourselves.

If you run the search option in this forum you will find previous threads on removing McAfee or you may find some reference in the key post above.
This key post should advise. AVG appears to be the best especially the free version which we use ourselves.

If you run the search option in this forum you will find previous threads on removing McAfee or you may find some reference in the key post above.

The key post, while helpful in other areas, seems a bit out of date in relation to Anti-Virus and/or Firewall solutions.

Several apparently reputable sites exist that run tests on the latest combined firewalls and anti-virus suites and the OP would be well advised to read these to assess possible conflicts, e.g; -

Hope this helps.

As above I will be removing McAfee Security center and will lose it's firewall. Will I be ok with just windows xp firewall or should I dowload a FREE one as well? For anti virus I will probably go with Avast.
Firstly is sounds like the site you were directed to saying your machine had a virus was actually a bogus site and infected your machine.

Down some of the free AV programms, such as Avast and also some malware programs like lavasoft adaware.

After getting them, reboot your machine and go into safe mode (hit f8) when computer starts booting and select safe mode, then run these scans which should hopefully clean up your machine and then you can install mcaffee again if you want.