Problem with Ulster Bank House Mortgages

I got best mortgage rate from ulster at 0.5% +ECB. I haven';t got any bank account with them! So it pays to talk nicely!
Lads, all these banks, phone suppliers, esb etc are all the same. The put all their resources into getting new customers and the scraps they have left go into customer service. I have had many issues with Ulster Bank in the past. I have a mortgage with them, couple of car loans and 3 accounts. Whenever they p*ss me off I simply tell them they have 2 days to sort it or I pull the plug on every piece of business I have with them. Things normally get resolved in 2 hours after that.

I also have an Ulster Bank mortgage and have had nothing but problems with them from the start. Firstly they didn't debit my account for the 1st three months but didn't realise there was an issue until I contacted them. Turns out they had incorrect direct debit details for me and were debiting someone else. Then they had the incorrect address for my correspondance and on the title deeds for my house. I followed both these issues with letters of complaint.

Currently my problem is getting my TRS back from them for the last 12 months. Every time I ring up they tell me it hasn't been applied yet and they don't know why or when it will be because its a "closed system" but that its a good way for me to save?! Revenue have assured me they have sent this detail to UB.

I have never had any correspondance (detailing interest rate changes or end of year statements) from UB except for acknowledgement of my 2 complaint letters.

I am completely frustrated with UB at this stage and feel I have hit a brick wall. Any advice on how to proceed would be welcome!
The €9 charge per month for the Ufirst account isn't too bad when you take into account the travel insurance for you and your partner that comes with it. Just make sure you're not paying another provider for travel insurance too.

I did not know that so you get free travel insurance with a ufirst account which I have - is it worldwide?

I have had numerous issues with UB including having mortgage funding lodged to the wrong solicitor. They have a customer complaints number which I used to phone and I always had my issues resolved within a few weeks. I do not have the number on hand.

There is a new code of practice in place for banks which came into being early July of this year. This requires them to acknowledge your complaint within 5 days of receipt of it. They have a month I think to deal with your complaint and they must let you know who is dealing with your complaint. At the end of the month they must tell you what steps they have taken to rectify your issue.

alternatively you could make life v. awkward by requesting all the info they have on you by making an access request under data protection acts (if you go on data protection website they tell you how to formulate such a request) and also let UB know that the data they hold on you under these acts is incorrect. This should generate an interesting response.

Good luck
Hi everyone

UFIRST- not necessary- you can get 0.55% +ECB on mortgages without any such account from Ulster Bank- officially you'll be told otherwise- Check with their Mortgage Centre and you'll be told about 3 different rates that could be charged to each customer- it all depends who deals with your file and whether they are having a good/ bad hair day...

CODE OF PRACTICE- Did i spell that correct. It's simply a bluffer's guide textbook answers that they send back saying the have investigated the matters and apologising. I had this experience with Tesco Personal Finance and the same issues kept re-occurring- and the same letters of apologies kept issuing! And if you pursue same with the Financial Services Ombudsman, you'll get a similar response! After all he is paid for by the bank as part of our 'self policing' bank system. He'd hardly come down hard on the bank who pays his wages!! Don't phone to complain- always write and never talk to them on phone- make them write!

DATA PROTECTION- Remember the bank will be allowed charge you a fee for such requests. If you have a loan/ mortgage/ credit card/ savings/ current account- you'll get charged 5 times the fee as they claim all such data will be maintained at 5 locations, etc- Ask Bank of Ireland if you don't believe me- their Data Protection Office is located at Bank of Irel, Freepost (of course), South Mall, Cork. Don't bother complaining to the Data Protection Commissioner- another talking shop with no powers and not interested in your personal experience!

Hope that helps and sets you on the right path!