Hi everyone
UFIRST- not necessary- you can get 0.55% +ECB on mortgages without any such account from Ulster Bank- officially you'll be told otherwise- Check with their Mortgage Centre and you'll be told about 3 different rates that could be charged to each customer- it all depends who deals with your file and whether they are having a good/ bad hair day...
CODE OF PRACTICE- Did i spell that correct. It's simply a bluffer's guide textbook answers that they send back saying the have investigated the matters and apologising. I had this experience with Tesco Personal Finance and the same issues kept re-occurring- and the same letters of apologies kept issuing! And if you pursue same with the Financial Services Ombudsman, you'll get a similar response! After all he is paid for by the bank as part of our 'self policing' bank system. He'd hardly come down hard on the bank who pays his wages!! Don't phone to complain- always write and never talk to them on phone- make them write!
DATA PROTECTION- Remember the bank will be allowed charge you a fee for such requests. If you have a loan/ mortgage/ credit card/ savings/ current account- you'll get charged 5 times the fee as they claim all such data will be maintained at 5 locations, etc- Ask Bank of Ireland if you don't believe me- their Data Protection Office is located at Bank of Irel, Freepost (of course), South Mall, Cork. Don't bother complaining to the Data Protection Commissioner- another talking shop with no powers and not interested in your personal experience!
Hope that helps and sets you on the right path!