Problem with Solicitor

"But as you are all 'colleagues' you have the tendancy to not highlight this, it's a very nice club that leads to the likes of ML, Byrne et al. "

You're kidding, right? Cos otherwise I wonder if you ever read the consistently practical, sensible posts of other solicitors on this board?

You are defending a situation that you know nothing about for a poster who has no track record on this board who has not dealt with any of the issues that MOB has raised.

"It's also not fair that I'm the only one to point this out and I always seem to be having these battles. Would you believe that when I saw your first post I was quite happy because I thought there was a sea change in that you referred immediately to the route of going down the Law society complaints procedure so I thought that's fine so it wasn't until I saw your second post that I decided to reply to the OP. I suppose the mods are going to delete this but I'd like to see a change for the better in Irish society so that the carry on of this behaviour by professionals is a thing of the past. "

I have absolutely no idea what you mean by any of this! This is an internet site where people post freely - it is not a confessional and it is not a tribunal of enquiry. You are not obliged to defend anyone or point anything out.

There are always bad apples in any profession - its just downright silly to accuse an entire profession of protecting their own in this day and age. We do not rally round and protect criminals. But I will query a newcomer who posts a version of events which does not reflect the total story and who then retreats into what I call "Joe Duffy" land. The land where only the headlines and high emotions matter and facts are largely irrelevant.

Hi Duchalla,

I have a difficulty reconciling your comment

"the house had been transfered but the land was still in the family friends name. "

and your comment that

"My son knew exactly what he was buying, the vendor knew exactly what he was selling, we had an engineer draw up the plans. This wasn't the problem."

It is of course possible that the land was omitted solely due to error on the part of the solicitor. But it seems very odd if, as you say, plans were prepared by your engineer ( I assum that by 'plan' you mean a transfer map). If the solicitor prepared a deed which did indeed transfer ownership of what was shown on the plan, then it is hard to see how the solicitor could fairly be accused of having got it wrong.

Obviously, I am commenting without having all the facts; I do of course acknowledge that it is entirely possible that the solicitor did in fact make a complete bags of things. I am just saying that while the the facts which we have been given certainly show a culpable delay, I am not really convinced that we have seen culpability on the accusation of 'making a complete mess of things'.

Before the sale took place, we went to a engineer, got him to mark off the site (house and Land) which was being sold and got him to draw up the revelant plans (sorry for not using the correct speak). Everyone knew what was being sold. These were all submitted to the slor for her to do her side of it. contracts were signed by both parties, but never processed. It was only when my son sold the property to my daughter that we discovered that even though the house was in my sons name, the land wasn't. So legally, it wasn't his to sell even though he had paid for it.
I know I might sound if Im flogging a dead horse here, but 10 years seems a crazy amount of time to do a job, (and not even do it properly), which should normally take a couple of months max.
Well having taken this entirely off course.............

It does seem to me that this is a mess. You've ( or rather your son) gotten someone to fix it. it is now fixed . He will probably recover the 3K from the first solicitor. Whether or not he does, he can report her to the Law Socity but, to be honest, ( and I am entirely leaving aside the 10 year issue) if and/or when he does that he should make himself far more aware of what actually happened. If he is unable to coherently explain the issue ( other than the time period) he will be met with the same bewildered queries as you've been met with.

Ultimately, taking out the irritation factor, apart from the fees incurred, he has not suffered a financial loss.
