Probably the best (cheapest) PRSA in the world?

@GSheehy Would this be cheaper than the Zurich option you provide?

Sorry if that sounded rude, meant to ask if making an annual lump sum payment of about 7k would this be cheaper than going execution only through you with Zurich? But say if it spread that out to be about 500 per month would it be better value in terms of fees by going with Royal London ?
Last edited: only offer non-standard PRSA, are there any concerns with that?
As I understand that means there are no max limits on charges but royalLondon seem to be clear on what they do charge, and its cheaper? only offer non-standard PRSA, are there any concerns with that?
It certainly wouldn't concern me. I think that all of the PRSAs that I've had to date have been non-standard and over the years the charges are only going in one direction - downwards. And if RLI were to increase their charges to make them less competitive then one can just switch to another cheaper provider. In my opinion the standard PRSA charging caps of 5% on contributions and 1% AMC are largely moot since nobody in their right mind would pay such high charges these days.
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I pay 1% AMC which isn’t uncommon but one of the reasons I want to move. It does have 100% allocation though and anyone paying less than that really needs to consider changing.
Mind you, I didn't consider the case of investing in more than one fund. I didn't confirm if that 100k threshold applies to each fund you are invested in separately. Or is the AMC reduced in all funds you are invested in once all the money you have in your PRSA AVC is > 100k. I'll have to get back on to them!

The €100,000 thresholds apply to the PRSA as a whole; not fund choices within it.