Probably the best (cheapest) PRSA in the world?

ValueShare = a share in the value of the company?
Seems fairly obvious to me.
Is there a list of Royal London Ireland's new pension product range? Do they have Vanguard ETFs?
Is there a list of Royal London Ireland's new pension product range? Do they have Vanguard ETFs?
Who cares if they have Vanguard ETF's? Vanguard ETF's are just passive index tracking funds with low costs.
The questions should be, Do they have passive index tracking funds with low costs?
And the answer is Yes.

By the way BlackRock are the people behind i-shares
Very interesting. Might be worth assessing a move. My wife has an Executive Master Trust Pension with Zurich, this might be worth exploring though.

Would this be the one people would look at from the above :

RL BlackRock Developed World Equity Index Fund

or maybe

RL Global Equity Diversified Fund
The questions should be, Do they have passive index tracking funds with low costs?
I would also ask of they have passive index funds with low tracking errors. Answer is still yes, but I vaguely recall someone on here found some funds where the answer was no
A couple of small things to watch out for here.

Royal London insist on Certified copies of ID & PPS No. Document at application stage. That's not in line with rest of the market for PRSAs. so their compliance must have taken a different view.

Transfers get 100% allocation but only Single Contributions of €10,000 (or more) get 100% allocation. If you did €10,000 this year as a single contribution and wanted to add €5,000 next year then the €5,000 would only be eligible for 98% allocation as Single Contributions are always treated separately for determining the allocation band. Again, not really in line with rest of market on execution only. Yes, it would probably be still worth it in longer term if AMC was lower than a competitor so it's more of an awareness thing.
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No, 100%.

Less than €100pm would mean 98% allocation.

The anomaly above was in respect of single contributions. Don't really understand it as I would have thought that lump sum business was less costly for providers to administer than all the chopping and changing that goes on with direct debits.
I've mentioned this elsewhere, I recently went direct with Standard Life, their PRSA O product, on which they are offering a 0.5% rebate on the AMC if you hold >€100k. So I'm on a Vanguard indexed fund for 0.4% all in.
Hi C-Pike. Once you have > €100,000 in there, does the rebate apply to the whole fund or just the portion of the fund in excess of €100,000?
Interesting that it's called ProfitShare in UK sales guff
Yeah - I noticed that and maybe the RL Ireland scheme and rate is separate from the parent company?
I haven't looked into it yet but I am most likely going to transfer my PRSA(s) from Standard Life to RLI in order to avail of their lower charges and the chance to benefit from the ValueShare bonus.
Are you with Standard Life now? Why do you think it is a better deal to go with Royal London? From my initial research the AMCs are lower with Standard Life than RL although they do not offer a ValueShare bonus as RL does (which is not guaranteed). If you don't mind sharing what AMC(s) and fee(s) are you paying now with SL and what do you expect them to be from RL?

I confirmed with Standard Life that all funds available through their PRSA AVC have the AMC reduced by 0.5% once the amount you have invested in that fund goes over €100k. The reduced AMC applies to the full amount of your money invested in that fund not just the amount above €100k.

Mind you, I didn't consider the case of investing in more than one fund. I didn't confirm if that 100k threshold applies to each fund you are invested in separately. Or is the AMC reduced in all funds you are invested in once all the money you have in your PRSA AVC is > 100k. I'll have to get back on to them! This wouldn't be a problem if you only chose to invest in one fund which is all I'm planning on doing anyway.
Are you with Standard Life now? Why do you think it is a better deal to go with Royal London?
I'm not with them yet but am currently planning to move to them. With SL my current (Vanguard) AMC is 0.65% which could probably be reduced to 0.40% these days. In my specific situation I am in a position to get a better AMC deal with RLI than with SL (even ignoring the ValueShare bonus which I'm perfectly aware is discretionary on their part). Unfortunately I can't say much more right now (or maybe at all) so for some people SL may offer better value than RLI in terms of AMCs and potential bonuses (or not). Caveat emptor.
Taking into account their "ValueShare" scheme of 0.13% in recent years, the AMC may be effectively reduced to 0.42% or significantly lower (0.32%) for larger transfers.
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