Prime Time will have a programme on charities including Peter McVerry tonight

I consider the investigative section quite good regardless of whether they are left or right.
I just happen to know one person in the investigative "wing" of Rte and I would not see that person as left or right.
I agree that overall I would see large sections of RTE as having a "Leftie"agenda
Prime Time Investigates tends to focus on public sector failings.

Large swathes of corporate Ireland are utterly unremarked upon by the Irish media.

In part I suspect due to less likelihood of litigation.

Behind the paywall, but here are some snippets:

Danny McLoughlin, the former chief executive of South Dublin County Council, was made interim chief executive of the body in October 2023. McLoughlin was paid €128,000 in total for the six-month period he was at the charity. The charity’s previous chief executive was paid between €110,000 and €120,000 per year. A permanent CEO was appointed in April 2024.

According to a report by the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG), the state’s spending watchdog, the Department of Housing has incurred close to €700,000 in costs so far due to its probe of financial and governance issues at the charity, with a further €864,000 in costs expected. :eek:

The C&AG report said PwC has been paid €469,000 for the independent review it conducted of the charity, with a further €409,000 due to the consultancy. Another €86,000 has been paid to PwC for the provision of support services to the trust, and an additional €455,000 has to be paid to the firm for this work..

The Department of Housing also paid €10,000 to a legal expert to chair an overview group that assessed financial and governance issues at the charity, while €6,000 was spent by the Department of Housing on “independent advice”.

The report noted that the department will also face costs in relation to termination of Peter McVerry Trust projects that were in the initial stages of development. It said the final cost will not be known until local authorities submit all claims for recoupment.