I have to say that surely if the pilots REALLY feel that fatigue is really causing serious safety concerns, then they have a responsibility to speak out publically (not blacked out faces with actors voices) or to the proper authorities....
I agree with you there Sunny, that would be better, so WHY don't they?
What possible reason do they have for not coming out in the open and expressing their legitimate concerns?
Commercial pilots can be held PERSONALLY liable to prosecution and imprisonment if they are found to be in any way responsible for an accident. At the very least they could lose their livliehood - their pilots licence. At worst they could be dead, along with a lot of other people.
If a Commercial Pilot doesn't bring his concerns on his fitness to fly to his employer AND the IAA he is actually BREAKING THE LAW.
In the past that system worked very well, and it was a responsibility that was taken seriously, and on trust, by both the employer and the pilot and the regulators.
Nowadays however, the Ryanair guys have an employer who isn't interested in hearing any such concerns. They are commercially inconvenient.
When presented with an employee who dares express a concern the response is at best ridicule (as on the program the other night) or more likely DISMISSAL as with the previous victim mentioned on the program.
...even if that means that are likely be 'punished' in some way by Ryanair.
In the US they have 'whistle blower' protection laws. But not here in Ireland. And without a union to speak for them collectively the responsibility for safety in the airline falls to lone individuals.
So, human nature being what it is - of course they simply clam up. Or try to get the message out through whatever channels they can. The IAA unfortunately have washed their hands of regulation in the industry.
Would YOU accept the certain outcome of losing your job and probably being forced to look for work abroad in such circumstances? Would YOU go back to your wife and kids and tell them - "Honey, I chose to speak out and got fired today. So pack your bags, we're off to Saudi Arabia to look for work"?
Why stick YOUR neck out to be chopped off?
I wouldn't.
I'd probably do exactly what the majority of those Ryanair guys are doing. Shut up, keep the head down and the fingers crossed, and hope that when the day finally comes, and the system snaps, it won't be me who buys the farm, please God.
Oh, and keep looking for work elsewhere, naturally.
Quite a dilemma, eh?