Price Of Tyres/Wheel Balancing


Registered User
Hi Everyone,

What do you all make if this? My OH needed new tyres on her car(Yaris) so brought it into Advance. They charged her €70 per new tyre which isn't too bad but they also charged her €50 for wheel balancing. This doesn't sound right to me as I would have thought that this should be done as part of the installation of the new tyres.

Would all consider this €50 charge to be normal enough or were they ripping her off?

Any thoughts?
Did she ask what work and charges would be involved before/when she left it in?
I think they told her it would need wheel balancing beforehand. I just think that the €50 charge is a bit much and should the balancing not need to be be carried out anyway due to new tyres being fitted and included as part of the service?
But did they tell her or did she ask in advance what the charges would be for the work that she agreed with them?

I have no idea if €50 is reasonable for balancing but I'm just wondering if she was quoted one schedule of work and price in advance and then charged something else afterwards in which case the rip-off allegation might stand up.
I got a puncture repaired and the wheel balanced for €10 at the weekend, so €50 would sound expensive. Costs should have been clarified up front though.
I think this may be an actual rip-off. I know any time I get new tyres I get the price for fitting and balancing included so I know exactly how much I am being charged and I have never seen a bill for €50 for balancing. However they stick on a charge for fitting/balancing etc when I take a work vehicle in.
This smells off a rip off to me, Wheel balancing is usually only done on the front two wheels ,though I always get them to do all 4 so I can swap the tyres around to get even wear. Kwik fit (name has changed now I Think) will not charge extra for this, You just pay what they quote for the tyre.
It is literally a 30 sec job to balance a wheel .
I had to get two new tyres at the w/e.The fitter told me the wheels needed to be balanced as they were wearing more on the inside. I paid €200 in total -€80 x 2 for tyres and €50 for balancing and got €10 discount. I got a computer printout which showed all the various readings on the alignment. I have had wheels balanced before and this charge seemed about right.
I paid €50 for wheel balancing, had to get 2 tyres too, the garage were doing free balancing if you bought 4 tyres but i guess that's classed as an offer.
Just wondering if everyone is talking about only "balancing", and not confusing this with tracking and alignment. AFAIK, balancing is usually included with new tyre fitting (its just a few lead weights on the rim and is done while the wheel is off the car on the rig). Tracking and alignment is a different ball game and is done with the wheels on the car. It recently cost me €50, but is a very different job.
I had to get two new tyres at the w/e.The fitter told me the wheels needed to be balanced as they were wearing more on the inside. I paid €200 in total -€80 x 2 for tyres and €50 for balancing and got €10 discount. I got a computer printout which showed all the various readings on the alignment. I have had wheels balanced before and this charge seemed about right.
I agree with oopsbuddy. Balancing (or lack thereof) does not cause wear on one side or the other, Tracking (or alignment) does. This usually costs about €40 - €50.

Balancing is usually included "free" with the purchase of tyres. ALL wheels should be balanced, not just the front as suggested earlier. Properly balanced tyres will wear better, will give better handling and not vibrate the joints front and rear causing wear even if you dont feel the vibration. It only takes about 2 minutes per wheel.
Do you challenge this if it represents different treatment to when you bring your own car in?

Not really. Its a company account and I don't even get a copy of the invoice. I do know that there are plenty add-ons (including balancing) compared to a private customer who would be more price sensitive and is looking for a better deal.
Def sounds like a tracking job to me(40 - 50 euro)...usually small charge or included in price of tyres for balancing
I think this charge was for tracking. Balancing is done on a wheel to ensure there is not an imbalance on the actual wheel. Tracking is making sure the two wheels are parallel to each other, cos if they are not, the tyres will wear quickly. This is true even for well balanced wheels.
Had to get a new tyre. When I got it back from the garage I noticed that they had scraped my alloy wheel quite badly.
Is this a regular problem with alloy wheels or were the garage being careless.
The garage were careless...very! This is not normally something that happens IME when changing tyres. Are you sure you didn't kerb the wheel when parking and forgot (or maybe 'er indoors did it) ?

It's not a hazard though if it's just a scrape.
Had to get a new tyre. When I got it back from the garage I noticed that they had scraped my alloy wheel quite badly.
Is this a regular problem with alloy wheels or were the garage being careless.

I'd say it's unusual for them to scratch an alloy wheel as they will always get blamed, the place I always go to (Geraghtys in Waterford) are very careful with them, plus the nuts, covers etc.. Saying that I did have a problem in London once when the fitter kicked the steel spare wheel across the floor taking much of the black paint off, I assume he thought I wasn't there watching and/or he was just an idiot. Anyway when I pointed this out to the manager I got the tyre free on condition I didn't raise it with head office.

OP - I think this charge was for tracking/alignment as others have said, not balancing which is usually included in the tyre price.

The garage were careless...very! This is not normally something that happens IME when changing tyres. Are you sure you didn't kerb the wheel when parking and forgot (or maybe 'er indoors did it) ?

It's not a hazard though if it's just a scrape.

No. My wheels were perfect when left in. It's not a very bad scrape but it just annoys me at the carless way my wheel was handled. Yet another place I won't be returning to. Unfortunately the list is getting longer.