We still have a housing stock that is lower per head of population than the EU average, it's only over the last three years that supply has exceeded demand. This year demand will exceed supply and will start to reduce the overstock that is currently out there thus the current reallignment of the market.
Demand from who exactly? The Polish that are fleeing the country in their thousands, the 30,000 laid off construction workers, rising prices eroding exports, multinationals pulling back. The country is heading into a recession that cannot be talked out of. I admire your optimism but short to mid term, house prices will decline - fact.
Daft IPW Report #12 - 2,531 Drops
Latest Drops
Over the period 22th February to the 19th March there 2,531 price drops and the average drop was €25,953 or 6.6%.
The 2,531 properties reduced the price by €67million in total.
The number of drops per day was 97.
Report available in html and excel formats.