President Palin anyone ?

Jim ?

Jim Corr ?

Is that you ?
I don't believe the world is well-served by tugging the forelock to America or Britain, or China for that matter.
I agree. Each country should act in its own medium to long term interests. Fortunately trade and capitalism make the wellbeing of countries intertwine and so what’s good for one is good for all.

Not watching what the major powers are doing both inside and outside Ireland and not making our presence felt is what has us where we are today.
I’m not sure what you mean by this. How can we “make our presence felt” in China? Do you think that, during a meeting of the Party big-wigs in Beijing, whilst plotting their Machiavellian schemes for world domination, someone is going to stand and say “hold on there lads, we can’t do that; the Paddies are watching and they’ll go ballistic!”