Prenuptual between two unequal earners: legally binding and uncontestable?


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Are prenuptuals legally binding and uncontestable.?
Just enqiring would they protect the higher earner from the lower earner. ?
Nope, they are not worth the paper they are written on as they are against public policy as they undermine the institution of marriage.
I think that they server a purpose in clarifying what both parties can expect in the event of a break-down. Either party can probably disown it, but it can reduce conflict if they know what they agreed years earlier.

Whilst not marrying might protect you somewhat, the Civil Partnership Act gives certain rights to cohabiting couples such as property and maintenance rights.

You could not live together or split up?
Is it just me (and old romantic) or does anyone else see the irony between the OP name and the question?

I also would question entering into a marriage if this question was on my mind.
The problem with prenups is that you are possibly trying to sign away someone else’s rights. If one person says they will not look for maintenance in the case of a split, and they subsequently have children and split up, then the children are not denied maintenance because of something their parents signed before they were born. I am not trying to outline a specific situation, just give an illustration.

If you know exactly what you want to put into a prenup, maybe consult with a legal professional and see if there is a way to carry out your wishes.
Strange how when society moves on we over complicate. The old Marriage Contract was too stringent, eventually society learned and we now have fairly good protection should there be a split.
I strongly agree with Buddyboy and very strongly agree with Brendans comments.
Marry and accept the contract as a strong lifelong and at times difficult commitment ,or make some casual arrangement. A pre-nupt will not rewrite the rules and you will always be subject to societal norms.
Is it just me (and old romantic) or does anyone else see the irony between the OP name and the question?

I also would question entering into a marriage if this question was on my mind.

Lol ! I would be the poorer half of the couple to be sure !
Marriage is a long way down the road if it happens at all.
But already the discrepancy in our earnings and wealth is raising it's ugly head.

I would be willing to agree to a prenuptial to protect her from myself.