
As a "native" person from Portarlington, I can comment on how the town has grown over the past 10 years. The town is pretty much a sleepy town and is fundamentaly a commuter town for people working in Dublin. The town itself practically empties during the day. There is no "industry" in the town. They are trying to change it and the Portarlington Enterprise Center has recently opened, where they are trying to encourage enterprise in the town.

Anyway, I am one of those people that evacuate the town to Dublin on a daily basis! I was a train traveller for over 9 years between my college days and then 5 years for work! It just wasn't dependable! Particularly in the morning when the "steam train" would pick you up more often than not, only to break down again on the way... The evenings were no better! Heat on in the Summer, none in the winter...

So I have been driving to Tallaght for the last two years and it has been great! An hour door to door and the work on the N7 which looks horrendous doesn't actually delay you too much! Traffic management has been excellent... I just cant wait until they have it finished! It should shave off another 15mins each way!

Life in Portarlington is fine! Lots of pubs, restaurants and adequate shopping... There is alot of building going on, but the house prices really do hold great value! We bought 5 years ago and our house value has increased by about 65% in that time! All relative I know, but a nice increase!

Finally, if you were asking me if it's a nice place to live! I would have to say yes! Particularly these days for people working in Dublin and wanting to get out of the hectic city

I won't be so sure of the town being quiet during the day, as a ex-Port person myself, i know that my family complain about the traffic in the town, particularly at school times.
Just for informational purposes the shopping centre is being held up until the development plan for Portarlington is released (Portlaoise and Mountmellick also is held up). According to the developer (which I have spoken to last Friday) he cannot build any structures until the plan is published - this plan will designate the area accordingly so that he can commence building - planning permission has been granted pending the publication of the plan. It's a formality but it has halted progress. He was promised by Laois Co Co that the plan would be released last July, hence the early start on the road. He is absolutely committed to developing the centre but his hands are tied.

I would suggest people e-mail/phone their local concillor/TD to put pressure on Laois county council to get this plan published. The developer has told me that he is being told eveytime he rings that the plan is nearly ready and will be published next month - this has been going on since last May!
Hey folks,

just wondering if anyone commutes from Port to south Dublin and about how long the journey takes each way on average? Or would there be a bus that services UCD that goes via Portarlington?

[I'm working in Donnybrook.]

While I'm on, is there much of a/any rental market in Portarlington? Sort of seems like there would be with the train and proximity to the M(N?)7.

Any info at all welcome :)
Your thoughts on Portarlington.

HI all, I am thinking of buying an investment property in a development called Kilnacourt Woods, in Portarlington.
Do you know anything about this estate? Is it safe / quiet?

Re: Your thoughts on Portarlington.

Hey Obie,

I actually live in Kilnacourt Woods! It depends on what part you are talking about investing in! As you know, the site is quite a large development! We got in over 5 years ago into the start of the development and work has been going on constantly ever since!

Alot of foreign people have moved into the "newer" areas, which most definitely seem to be majority investment properties. Most of the original houses - the semi-detached dormers and the "yellow" detached houses seem to have been mostly (i'd say 90%) bought by people living in them. There doesn't seem to be any major issues in the estate though. It's kept quiet well, residents committee etc...

If you are wondering about rental opportunities, there are lots or new apartments going up in the town also, some very nice ones down along the link road (past the swimming pool and playground) which are coming onto the market at the moment also, so there will definitely be a flood of investors getting their hands on those with the prospect of renting!

Anyway, hope this helps somewhat. PM if you need any more info.

