Pornography - views?

[SIZE=-1]they involve real people (or donkeys) who may have had no other option in their lives but to degrade themselves to earn money.
May? I would imagine that most if not all of the people involved do have other options just that they do not choose them for one reason or another. Very few people have no options as to how they earn their living or spend their time.

No, I wasn't aware porn was the main driver for these pivotal tech changes. How did you become aware of this astonishing fact? (If I had to pick a single technology driver, I would have said war.).
No, I wasn't aware porn was the main driver for these pivotal tech changes. How did you become aware of this astonishing fact? (If I had to pick a single technology driver, I would have said war.).

Apparantly - that's what happened - even as I understand, it was the porn industry's adoption of the VHS format that led to the demise of betamax at the time!

No, I wasn't aware porn was the main driver for these pivotal tech changes. How did you become aware of this astonishing fact? (If I had to pick a single technology driver, I would have said war.).

I was about to say that there isnt one driver for tech changes ( web and comms based anyway), but there is and thats money. Military and porn industry has lots of both. throws up a lot of links.