surely the taboo is more about what one might, or might not!, be doing while consuming this material ..... presumably while alone at the time.
That the subject of masturbation, ok, I've typed it!!, has become less taboo is due in no small part to the American Pie genre of films where its not taboo among the characters and indeed they give advice to each other in this regard (American Pie 2 lubricant & adhesive mix up).
Both this subject and the initial topic are relatively harmless, I'd go so far as to say healthy in moderation, to a normal well adjusted person but there'll always be those who over indulge. I think its a chicken and egg argument as to whether, if there was no porn there would be no over indulgence, or those of the mind would overindulge anyway & just have to use their imaginations if there was no porn.
I'd agree that porn does get boring fairly quick & of course isnt a patch on the real thing & for this reason I find the idea of lapdancing / strip shows as utterly pointless. If t'lads head in on a stag then thats a bit of a laugh but its hardly original.
On an unrelated note, which was discussed here before, I'd be in favour of legalising and heavily regulating prostitution rather than ignore a situation where the vulnerable are the prey of criminals. - This is as someone who hasnt, nor intends, to avail of such services.