What an idiotic thing to say, I would never support the intentional mass murder of innocent civilians - however, I am sure if "it was the Brits wot done it" then Yorky would say that warnings were given and the police lead the civilians into the area were the bomb was, especially as he seems happy that the paras are absolved of any blame for Bloody Sunday as he state that they did not shoot first - you are a disgrace and if I met you face to face sir I would certainly not be happy to met you - is your name Widgery by any chance?. I am sure the supporters of the British army on this forum would rejoice in the mass murder of the citizens of Dresden! now there is what your proud saviour of civilisation did during WW2.
How easily eaten bread is soon forgotten! Rabbit you are a disgrace and it is people like you who were the ones who spat on the heroes on 1916 - but shhhhh! its not OK to remember those brave soldiers who actually did selflessly sacrificed their lives (no need for conscription there!) because they are Irish - maybe their uniforms wernt smart enough for you eh??.
I am actually going to stop now because my face is red with rage - you disgust me you brainwashed anglophiles!