I'm getting very worried. I had several loans with a well known retail finance company. Last September I rang to clear all my loans. They said I had four but I thought I had five. Any way long story short I cleared the four loans early.I asked 3 different assistants on phone had I any more as I was sure I had more. They said no.
Any way cutting the story short again it turns out I had. And I got I debt collectors letter. I got in touch with company and paid the outstanding balance off, again early, but it was already five payments behind.
Any way enough of that sad story, the problem I have now is that on my ICB it shows that account 5 payments in arrears. Altough they took some responsiblity with the mistakes of not seeing the account. They will not clear the bad record from my ICB.
The funny thing is the other 4 accounts that i cleared early and had no problems with don't even show on my ICB.
My 2 questions are.
1. Am I screwed for a 100 percent mortgage when they see the 5 months in a row arrears.
2. Instead of clearing off the full amount today should I have kept up the repayments for the next 2 years. As the ICB only shows the last 24 payments the 5 arrears would have been gone.
Now its going to say 5 months in a row missed payments and then closed.
I very worried and confussed.
Any help grately appiciated
I'm getting very worried. I had several loans with a well known retail finance company. Last September I rang to clear all my loans. They said I had four but I thought I had five. Any way long story short I cleared the four loans early.I asked 3 different assistants on phone had I any more as I was sure I had more. They said no.
Any way cutting the story short again it turns out I had. And I got I debt collectors letter. I got in touch with company and paid the outstanding balance off, again early, but it was already five payments behind.
Any way enough of that sad story, the problem I have now is that on my ICB it shows that account 5 payments in arrears. Altough they took some responsiblity with the mistakes of not seeing the account. They will not clear the bad record from my ICB.
The funny thing is the other 4 accounts that i cleared early and had no problems with don't even show on my ICB.
My 2 questions are.
1. Am I screwed for a 100 percent mortgage when they see the 5 months in a row arrears.
2. Instead of clearing off the full amount today should I have kept up the repayments for the next 2 years. As the ICB only shows the last 24 payments the 5 arrears would have been gone.
Now its going to say 5 months in a row missed payments and then closed.
I very worried and confussed.
Any help grately appiciated