Recently, had to apply for retention on two illegal buildings attached to the house I'm trying to sell. One is a garage that was converted to a granny flat and the other is an outbuilding separate from the main house that has been used for various purposes, office/storage etc. Both buildings are in existence for 20 years easily and were there when I bought but I had no idea they were 'illegal' until recently.
The decision process is around the corner but I'm wondering what are the chances of retention being refused ie does it ever happen and if so what can be done? I know because of the time limit that the buildings can't be taken down etc but what would be the official status of them if the council refuse retention- particularly relating to a future sale?
Many thanks
The decision process is around the corner but I'm wondering what are the chances of retention being refused ie does it ever happen and if so what can be done? I know because of the time limit that the buildings can't be taken down etc but what would be the official status of them if the council refuse retention- particularly relating to a future sale?
Many thanks