Planning enforcement: names and addresses of complainants to county councils?

It might be worth your while getting in touch with An Taisce, they seem to be have some expertise in this area. Their representative were on the Late Late Show recently
Then, generally, if the hedge was the boundary, and the boundary was half way in the hedge..... your new neighbour was supposed to ask for your permission before removing it... seeing as you would own half of it. I think a trip to your solicitor is the best option..... planning will 'hum and haw' on it....
Moral ironic name, basically i think your just a typical Irish begrudger, the man cut a hedge a wee bit too far and he is a big shot land owner who thinks he can do what he wants. This is the typical Irish attitude now a days, firstly go and speak to the man and have a face to face discussion maybe you might save everybody a heap of trouble including yourself. Secondly you are going to make an anonymous call through ten different people from four different counties to complain about your hedge in your garden come off it, my blood boils you would rather make trouble for the man and sit behind your curtains rubbing your hands with glee as the inspectors arrive, than be a man about it.
i am with you on this one jd28 , just thought it wouldn't be worth the hassle writing what you have as you will probably come in for a great ear bashing from all the do-gooders now and i suppose i will too for agreeing with you !
The person I am complaining about is a local big shot landowner. He thinks he is above the law and does as he pleases. He has breached several conditions of planning on his house.

The person who bought the house is from the UK and uses this house as a holiday home. He has local firms doing all the works whilst he is resident elsewhere.

Last week they attacked a hedge on which sit many trees that overhang my property. They have removed the hedge on his side to such an extent that the roots of the trees would be weakened and in the event of a storm the trees would be liable to fall onto my house. I checked the planning online and there was no permission granted to remove the hedge.

I feel that my home may be at risk from his actions.

This particular planning permission has a specific condition that hedges must be retained. In fact it is a feature of all planning granted in this midland county.

I shall ask the council before proceeding further.

Thanks again. :)

Moral ironic name, basically i think your just a typical Irish begrudger, the man cut a hedge a wee bit too far and he is a big shot land owner who thinks he can do what he wants. This is the typical Irish attitude now a days, firstly go and speak to the man and have a face to face discussion maybe you might save everybody a heap of trouble including yourself. Secondly you are going to make an anonymous call through ten different people from four different counties to complain about your hedge in your garden come off it, my blood boils you would rather make trouble for the man and sit behind your curtains rubbing your hands with glee as the inspectors arrive, than be a man about it.

jd28 ironic name jd wouldn't be Jack Daniels by any chance and 28 would be the number you've had before getting onto the computer.:eek:

You have not read the posts if you had you would see that moral has said
I shall ask the council before proceeding further.

Moral also said he or she feels their house is in danger from the actions of this man.
But I think most important of all moral said
he is resident elsewhere.
so as you can see it's a bit difficult to have an auld face to face.

Oh yeah by the way what ten different people and what 4 counties?
Show us where they were mentioned
Secondly you are going to make an anonymous call through ten different people from four different counties to complain about your hedge in your garden come off it, my blood boils you would rather make trouble for the man and sit behind your curtains rubbing your hands with glee as the inspectors arrive, than be a man about it.

You have not read the posts

I was thinking of using my maiden name
Big deal its a woman. It has nothing to do with the fact the owner is living in the uk as this person does not have any intention of contacting him to alay their concerns, as is evident by the extremes this person is willing to go to to keep their name from being mentioned. Even if there was a chance of getting his phone number to speak to him about the issue it is clear that is not whats wanted here. He owns several businesses big deal so this means he is a bad person who deserves the boot stuck in. This is classic nosey begrudging Irish mentality, in america people say "look at that lovely house those people built". In Ireland they say "how did they get the money/or planning to build that house", sickening.
you dont seem to understand the issue. Workers under the instruction of the OPs neighbour have damaged part of the OPs property, namely the hedge boundary. It doesnt matter whether this guys the president of france or joe soap. Once the op sticks to due process then none of your opinions in above posts count for anything.
jd if someone started that kind of nonsense and endangered my property I'd get in touch with the council about the breaches of planning.

Anybody would do the same.
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I will stay out of the slagging match here - but agree with Syd and others that hoping for the planning enforcement section of the council to do something is probably futile.

I had a guy open up an illegal quarry across the road from a house I own 6 years ago and he has not been shut down yet - the council in question are a bunch of limp dicks and - oh yeah the quy is well connected with Fianna Fail right to the rotten top - photo of bertie opening a development of houses for him a few years back - when I saw that I gave up trying to shut him down.

Good luck going with your solicitor if you are genuinely concerned about your property. However you should be prepared for him to fight back saying that he owns the entire hedge. I regularly work on boundary disputes and I can tell you that if this neighbour of yours hired me to report on the position of his boundary - I could muddy the waters enough to confuse a judge as to who definitely owned the hedge.

I suppose what I am saying is that you may well have very little joy from either the council or legal route. Is there any compromise that might be reached with him if he is a reasonable guy. If it was me I would look to meet him and be as friendly as possible in demonstrating your genuine concern that he has ( inadvertantly ) undermined the trees and they are now dangerous. If you can get him to agree then he may take some steps to rectify. If he does not play ball then the other options are still available to you