Planning - A Clear process? (Full text)


Registered User
Hey there,

I`ve recently seen a small piece of land for sale without planning permission in Dublin City and its not too expensive. The owners say that they`ve never sought permission on it and its really too small to build any sort of house or mews so I thought itd be good for parking spaces.

They must have thought of this themselves at some point too. I`ve heard that there is pre-planning place process you can got through rather than full application with the planning authority to see if there is a realistic chance of successfull planning application? If so is it expensive, do you use a surveyor or architech?

Any help would be very much appreciated.

just one point on pre-planning, when I sought a meeting, they would not entertain it until I was the owner, as if they did then they could be influencing the prices and then what would happen if you purchased on the basis of a pre-planning meeting and were subsequently refused. It is worth a go, don't know if other people have had similar experiences.
The problem is I believe that they probably did this already and were refused otherwise I cant see why they would simply sell it as is. Have you ever heard of someone simply hiring an architect/surveyor to give an opinion?
Agree a sale with the vendor on current terms (no planning).
While exchanging contracts, and with your proof of booking deposit, engage in pre-planning meeting. You do not need to own it, just have a registered interest.
Then pull out or proceed, based on outcome of (private) pre-planning. The vendor need not know you had a pre-planning meeting.
Hey there

Thanks for the advice. That sounds like a good plan but I`m not sure with whom to engage in this meeting after I agree to purchase. Will the planning authority work with me at this stage or would it simply be a surveyor etc.

Most planning authorities have open meetings. You just queue and go in when it is your turn.
The main problem is that at planning meetings (in this area anyway) they nearly always so no but once you put in an application it has a much greater chance of being yes.
It is possible that these people did not ask because it never dawned on them that it could be put to this use. You are showing foresight that not everybody has.
If you need to send someone to talk to the planners then it is a planning consultant that you need but you can go on your own if you have all your info clearly laid out.