Phoenix Park Racecourse

Have a look at the wasteland at the back of the development....

It's a field, a bit dramatic to call it wasteland since that's where the next phase will be built (or not). So depending on whether the next phase gets built you might end with an apt that's not overlooked.
Thanks for the feedback guys..Yes i understand there is a high chance that the prices will come down next year but according to EA there is only 15 2beds left and 4 2bed duplex..Does this sound accurate.?and your risking the chance of not getting one by waiting. But as you say there will be the next phase..
We have the budget from hell coming soon, increasing unemployment, difficult to get a bank loan, over supply of housing stock.

I'm interested in buying one, but will be waiting until next summer, even them I will be looking at the big picture before I make my decision. 3 mates living there, they bought between 360-420k and thought they were getting a great deal at the time.

There is 2400 units to go in there only around 400-500 completed so plenty of options left.

Rent for 6 months, give you a good feel for the place and probably save you some money.

The development is still a building site, no landscaping, open spaces or facilities inside. Plus who would believe an estate agent
There is a private open green space where there will not be construction is reserved as open space all grass and it serves to distance the new buildings from the noisy N3 road. You will see the already finished park land when you go there. People with kids are using it for playing or even you can go an play with the ball for a few kicks without bothering anyone or run around it, sun bathe ...
The private green space will be bigger still. Regarding the building site, yes they will build more I read they have 400 more apartments to go and a hotel apart from indoors tennis courts and more shops. I dont know how long that could take but I am sure that will be done little by little and regarding the current times... they problably will hold construction untill they sell all the stock and better times arrive.

I found some more official information but I cannot see it now, I will post it when I see it.

It is true that If you are thinking buying a new appartment you can of course wait for the prices to botton up and they will go down more nobody knows how fast and how much but if you want to buy now I dont think it is a really bad time to buy if someone feels secure, you are in the position to obtain decent mortgage, you have savings to cover yourself because prices are always more down when nobody is buying and when there is a lot of stock like nowadays and if you just want to live on it enjoy your new place and not as an investment to make you rich I dont see why not.