I havent yet, I will be speaking to them tomorrow. Was really just curious if anyone else had the same problem at some point.
Just to add, I do have some cognitive and memory issues, so i wasnt sure if I was mistaken in amount I should take, or if they were indeed leaving me short. Thanks
It does sound like 4 tablets per day total, 2 in the morning, 2 at night. Double check with the pharmacist that the dosage of the tablet you are taking is not halved or doubled. The pharmacists are more than happy to help, the will get out the prescription and double check. They may not have had enough in stock to give you a full 30 days of 120 tablets.
Thank you Clamball and JoeRoberts
My brain can get very fuzzy at times and I get easily confused. But I did think the label did mean take 4 tablets in total, so I was taking that amount, but I wont have enough for rest of month in a few days. I feel I should have gotten 120 tablets, but there was 60 in the box. The dosage per tablet is 100mgs
On the medication box label it says:
'60 100mgs Hard Caps, take two Capsules (200mgs) Twice a Day'
I will talk to them tomorrow. They are usually quite good in checking things, drug interactions and that sort of thing. Also, usually if they were short on medication, they would tell me, and also write it on the bag that the prescription came in. I will let you know how I get on. Thank you again. I really appreciate your replys to me.
If they're short of enough stock to fill your prescription as specified, IME they'll write an IOU on the box asking you to call back for the balance.
That said, my last prescription, collected by me on Saturday last, had three errors; one incorrect item, one item missing from the bag I collected but listed as dispensed by the pharmacy, and one with only half the qty dispensed. It's getting dodgey out there. There has been at least one mistake in every prescription I've collected this year.
Hi mathepac, yes, that is dodgy. Hope you get everything sorted. I feel that i was left short last month as well, but I was away for a week and I assumed I either lost or left some medication behind. Hopefully they will be able to explain tomorrow.
Have you a copy of the prescription?
It seems a bit odd to have two tablets twice a day, when you could be getting one big tablet twice a day?
What did the doctor say?
Although do check with both the doctor and the pharmacist.
I remember a pharmacist picking up on a badly worded prescription. But as it was a repeat, I was able to tell him that it was what the pharmacist thought it should be.
Hi Brendan, I dont have a copy of the prescription, I just handed it in to Chemist, never thought to make a copy. I really should going forward though, just for my own sanity, if nothing else

Not sure if the tablets come in 200mg sizes, I think I will ask thoug, might make it easier for me when I do get confused. never even thought of it, so thank you for that. Good suggestion.
Since the start of COVID, I've been supplying my pharmacy with an emailed PDF file of my prescriptions printed from a little spreadsheet. There were two reasons for this:
- Reduce the number of visits/visitors to the pharmacy and help reduce queueing on the premises
- The nature of my prescriptions is such that I don't require repeats of everything every 4 weeks.
I have attached a template of a spreadsheet for anyone who might find it useful.
Data Entry and Calculations:
- Change the PPSN, GMS Insurance references in Cell A2
- Cells A4 to A10 Enter the medicine/drug/device name and amount and frequency of treatment
- Cells B4 to B10 Enter Quantity from Doctor's Prescription
- Cells C4 to C10 Enter Quantity On-hand
- Cells D4 to D10 Calculate "Balance", Column B - Column C
- Cells E4 to E10 Display "NIL" if Column D is zero, otherwise displays the Quantity to dispense
- Cells F4 to F10 Display either "NIL" or "1" to keep track of the number of items to dispense, summed in column F13
- Change the date in Cell A1
Either email it to the pharmacy or print it out and bring it with you. Ask the pharmacist to return the list to you with the items dispensed.
EXCEL format, if you need any other format, message me here, or if you have any questions or suggestions. I think it's pretty self-explanatory other than the few notes above.
Thank you mathepac, thats a genius idea.
So I went to pharmacy today and it turns out it was just an error on their part. at first they suggested that my dr had decreased the dosage, but I told them my dr had not been in touch to advise me of that, and that I thought he wouldnt do such a thing without talking to me about it. So when they checked their database or whatever its called, they found that they indeed left me short due to an error on there part.
So, big lesson learned. I will now be much more mindful of dosage amounts and dispensed amounts going forward.
Thanks to all of you for replying to me, and being kind. I really aprreciate all the help and useful ideas.