brutal cuts ...
5,000 jobs isn't a threat, its an unavoidable conclusion.
Why should the state pay enormous sums and make massive subventions to enable a small coterie of people make massive profits? Because the government has been weak, and the pharmaceutical lobby has been strong. Fostering internal competition will strengthen the country and save people money. The over-emotive guff from the pharmaceutical lobby should be resisted.
Labelling cuts in a GUARANTEED 50% mark-up as brutal is quite frankly bizarre! Why should there be any guaranteed mark-up?
This is a cosy sector that needs to be forced to compete openly.
Special interests groups in Ireland such as the pharmaceutical lobby need to be faced-down forcibly to reduce the taxation burden on those of us who actually have to compete in an open market with no guaranteed tax paid lolly.
Now I'm off to pay 4.56 for some eye-drops which should cost about 1.50 if there was proper competition.