It would appear that my first post is inaccurate so, as the difference between packages is €5 and the commission is only 65c, so it does not explain the difference. I'll edit my first post now.
Hi, been following the posts for a while and I decided to register to throw in my pennysworth after seeing an article in the Irish Times on Tuesday that Perlico lost 2.5 million last year and are spending 250,000 per month on advertising. I have been a Cinergi customer for a couple of years and I am very happy with them from a customer care point of view and their packages. A friend of my wife is a consultant and she signed us up to their service, having been with Smart before them (Glad I left!!). She is making a nice bit of commission from them every month.
The difference between the package Jister mentions from Perlico and the same Cinergi package, Talk Free Everytime (which I am on) is 3.99 per month. I am happier to be with a company which is not selling at a loss and has been around since 1998 than risking my phone line to someone who might not have the same track record or might not be around if the funding doesn't keep coming in, a la Smart Telecom.
Cinergi also has some other bits like the free Countdown card which I use all the time and good broadband pricing and online billing. They also have some new packages on the website. They are way cheaper than eircom and the fact that they pay commission to consultants doesn't put me off. I also like the fact they are Irish.
All that said, all competition is a good thing if it keeps the costs down for us we should all support Cinergi, Perlico or whoever is offering good deals. I cant understand how people are still with eircom paying crazy prices but I suppose the problem nowdays is nobody is bothered to save a few euro on their phone bill with the celtic tiger and so much money in everyone's pocket.
Anyway, that's my rant for the day. Great site that I have been reading for ages. Probably become an addict poster now that I got around to joining.