Pepper customer in High Court claiming rate should be same as ptsb

Brendan Burgess

This is good news except that it has gone to mediation and perhaps Pepper will settle with a non-disclosure agreement rather than risk an adverse judgement which the Central Bank would require them to apply to all loans.

One of the arguments Pepper used to justify the high rates was the price they paid ptsb for the loans!
But they said that they could not disclose the price they paid.
The Judge wasn't having any of it.

Mr Justice David Nolan, who previously made discovery orders in the case, said the defendant should swear an affidavit of discovery saying they are not in a position to say the price for this loan. The defendant should also state the price for the portfolio of loans.
The recent case in the UK re the Whistletree Loans was lost by the "Vulture Prisoners"
See link

If its a standard variable loan then the PTSB T&Cs allow
1 For the sale of the mortgage
2 The new owner to set the interest rate