People who don't realise how good they have it: ATC Vs DAA dispute.

Re: People who don't realise how good they have it

You were the one that linked them.
Eh, no - I didn't.
The stoppage to attend the union meeting was unjustified. The Labour Court ruled as such.
Any of the reports that I saw didn't note any court ruling on the issue of the stoppage/meeting. The union agreed not to have any further meetings and the 14 suspended staff were reinstated before they even got to the Labour Court. Have you a link to any reports of the Labour Court ruling on the issue of the stoppage/meeting?
Re: People who don't realise how good they have it

I guess they were home in their beds at 2am, like most sensible people, so it wouldn't really be practical to have a meeting then!

Practicality for union meetings is not of interest to the travelling public or irish businesses. But at 2pm they were being paid to be at their place of employment doing their job.

THere are two sides to every story. You conveniently forget to mention that the Labour Court also ruled that the controllers should get the 6% increase that they were fighting for.

'Forget to mention' implies that I knew that fact and didn't mention it. How is it inside my head?

And the 6% increase had nothing to do with the strike/meeting as far as I know. That was due to the suspensions management authorised because of employees refusing to work with new technology.
Re: People who don't realise how good they have it

Practicality for union meetings is not of interest to the travelling public or irish businesses. But at 2pm they were being paid to be at their place of employment doing their job.
Nope, they wouldn't have been paid for their time at the union meeting.

'Forget to mention' implies that I knew that fact and didn't mention it. How is it inside my head?
Sorry, I misunderstood. You don't know too much about this issue at all then, but you continue to comment about the little bits that you've picked up from the right-wing press.

And the 6% increase had nothing to do with the strike/meeting as far as I know. That was due to the suspensions management authorised because of employees refusing to work with new technology.
The IAA were quite happy to throw the increase into the melting pot from their first statement on the matter;
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Re: People who don't realise how good they have it

The IAA were quite happy to throw the increase into the melting pot from their first statement on the matter;
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How do you make that out, that they were 'quite happy' ?!

They merely mention, in your link, that there was 'a demand for a pay increase'.

I don't understand your comment.
Re: People who don't realise how good they have it

How do you make that out, that they were 'quite happy' ?!

They merely mention, in your link, that there was 'a demand for a pay increase'.

I don't understand your comment.
Gunnerfitzy stated that "the 6% increase had nothing to do with the strike/meeting". I was simply pointing out that IAA disagree with him. But maybe he knows more about it than they do?
I believe you will find that that IMPACT have stated that 'the action is in direct response to the staff suspensions.'

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The industrial action was due to the suspensions. The suspensions were due to the workers refusing to work new work practices.

I think IMPACT is a better reference for why their members took industrial action rather than the IAA. Unless IMPACT is being misleading....
The industrial action was due to the suspensions. The suspensions were due to the workers refusing to work new work practices
Exactly, and since the Labour Court has found that they were wrong to refuse to work what were deemed to be minor changes it stands to reason that the suspensions were appropriate.
I've seen the light now. I've seen how you get a better understanding of the big picture by taking the narrowest possible interpretation of one side of a story. I look forward to using this new approach in all aspects of my life.
I've seen the light now. I've seen how you get a better understanding of the big picture by taking the narrowest possible interpretation of one side of a story. I look forward to using this new approach in all aspects of my life.

Well you've been doing it here for years, so why not?