Not of a bundled product specifically. The advantages apply just as much to an unbundled product. However the misselling/overcharging disadvantgage is specific to the bundled product. In the absence of further reasons why bundling is a good idea this is good enough reason to avoid it and industry insiders who arbitrarily recommend such bundling.Capital1 said:I just outlined advantages and disadvantages.
Quite possibly at the cost of higher charges that might be available on an unbundled product. What specific lenders offer such preferential deals for bundled pension mortgages and what charges apply?The lending institiuion may offer better terms to borrowers (>70% for example) on a bundled product than unbundled product
Once again your are misrepresenting my comments. I never said that I distrusted advisors or institutions. Just those, for example, that recommend bundling of products without obvious good reasons and perhaps tell customers not to worry their little heads about the details.if you trust advisers and institutions so little as you seem to, then I am amazed that you do not keep all your cash in a mattress under your bed.
Like suggesting that somebody put their money under the mattress for example?Cynicism is not constructive.
Anyway - I've said my piece on being wary of Greeks bearing gifts (industry insiders pushing bundled products) and don't think that further discussion of this matter will help the original poster so I'll leave it at that.