Pension statement post 1995, widows surviving pension less than pre 1995


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I joined an garda siochana in 1999, compulsory retired age 60 in may 2022, i notice that the amount stated if i were to predecease my spouse is circa 3k less than a person pre 1995, i thought as i recieve a Supplementary pension it was to be the same, would appreciate comments and advice
.... would appreciate comments and advice

My comment is that I don't understand the question.

My advice is to re-word your post and provide more details so that someone (possibly me) can try to provide you with some assistance.
OK fair enough, if you joined the public service after 1995 and you died while on pension from public service then the amount (pension) your surviving spouse will recieve instead of pre 1995 retiree will be circa 20% less.
My understanding was that there was to be no difference
That's because pre95 public servants pay Class B or D PRSI (a lower rate), don't qualify for a State SW Pension and their Occupational Pension Scheme is non- integrated with SW.
Post 95 people pay class A PRSI, will get a SW Pension and are members of an "integrated" Occupational Pension Scheme (so between the Occupational Pension and the SW Pension you get approximately the same overall pension at retirement)
In terms of the Spouses Pension (and your spouse would also qualify for a SW Spouse's Pension) the difference in the two figures might arise from the fact that you are retiring with c23 years service (whereas full benefits might typically require c 35 years service). I don't know the particular rules of the Garda Scheme, but perhaps you should ask your Pensions Office.
That's because pre95 public servants pay Class B or D PRSI (a lower rate), don't qualify for a State SW Pension and their Occupational Pension Scheme is non- integrated with SW.
Post 95 people pay class A PRSI, will get a SW Pension and are members of an "integrated" Occupational Pension Scheme (so between the Occupational Pension and the SW Pension you get approximately the same overall pension at retirement)
In terms of the Spouses Pension (and your spouse would also qualify for a SW Spouse's Pension) the difference in the two figures might arise from the fact that you are retiring with c23 years service (whereas full benefits might typically require c 35 years service). I don't know the particular rules of the Garda Scheme, but perhaps you should ask your Pensions Office.
Thank you Conan for your input, im only getting my head around thia atm, i understand the different PRSI Classes and integrated pension part. the Garda scheme is similar to most public servants pension scheme, except you have to complete 30yrs instead of 40yrs for most public servants, the 30 yrs is made up of first 20yrs standard and last 10 doubled.
As to spouses garda pension i understand where you say short service etc, i have taken this into ac, but there is still a difference between pre and post 1995.
Over the next few weeks i will endeavour to look into it more, regards
Have you included the SW widows pension as well as any entitlement to Garda widows pension in your post-95 calculations?