From Speech by Minister for Finance.pdf
So as most people guessed underfunded DB pensions will now get subsidized by DC pension fund owners regardless of how impoverished this will make the DC fund owner. In general it's a form of robbing from the poor to pay the rich.
I wish to confirm that contributions to pension schemes will continue to attract income tax relief at the marginal rate of tax. I wish to confirm that the 0.6% Pension Levy introduced to fund the Jobs Initiative in 2011 will be abolished from the 31st of December 2014. I will however, introduce an additional levy on pension funds at 0.15%. I am doing this to continue to help fund the Jobs Initiative and to make provision for potential State liabilities which may emerge from pre-existing or future pension fund difficulties. The levy within the existing legal framework will apply to pension fund assets in 2014 and 2015.
So as most people guessed underfunded DB pensions will now get subsidized by DC pension fund owners regardless of how impoverished this will make the DC fund owner. In general it's a form of robbing from the poor to pay the rich.