pceye2000: run-time error 91



when i click pceye to check on what the kids have being up to only reply i get is run-time error 91 object variable or with block variable not set

title edited by ajapale
Re: pceye2000

As far as I can see this is a Visual Basic error which may indicate some problem with your PCeye2000 installation. When did this start happening? What changed on the PC between when it worked and when it started generating this error?
Re: pceye2000

the error occured last night after kids were in chatroom but have no knowledge of a problem occuring and have no way of trackin the error report
Re: pceye2000

Have you tried reporting the problem to PCeye2000 support? I would be inclined to check logfiles and event logs for more detail about what happened and maybe attempt a reinstallation or repair installation of the package. However if you are not au fait with doing stuff like this on your PC then I would not recommend it. Do you have somebody technical that you can show the problem to and get more of an expert opinion?
Re: pceye2000

wont allow me to enter log / event program unable to bypass error report
Re: pceye2000

What version of Windows are you running? If it's NT/2000/XP then do you have access to the administrator account which will allow access to the Evene Viewer? Have you tried PCeye2000 support as suggested earlier?
Re: pceye2000

xp waiting for reply from customer support not sure what admin acc is
Re: pceye2000

Who do you log into the PC as? The administrator account is the account which can access all resources including the Event Log etc. If you don't explicitly log in then chances are you go in automatically as administrator and should be able to access all resources.
Re: pceye2000

its afamily pc and have tryed to gain access using other log on users but to no avail
Re: pceye2000

Are you saying that you try to log in as administrator but you don't know the correct password or that you can't even get to a login screen and it always puts your straight into a user account without asking? Who set up the PC? Did they not give you the administrator password?
Re: pceye2000

now passwords for all users and setup myself from instructions provided but fairly new to pc only found out after 10 years we have a washing machine
Re: pceye2000

Sorry - perhaps you could be clearer on your responses in order to facilitate myself and others making constructive suggestions? I personally find it hard to understand your posts.

Do you have somebody "technical" whom you can all on to have a look?
Re: pceye2000

[aside]Remember that in a typical family PC set up with XP there's no 'administrator' account login visible from the login screen. You can, however, assign users to either be an administator-type user or a limited user. By default the first account created (as part of 'breaking the seal' on a new machine) is an administrator account.

Go to Control Panel/User accounts to set/view the current accounts and their respective privileges.[/aside]
Re: pceye2000

If it's XP, even Home Edition, then presumably there is an administrator account even if it is not immediately obvious? My home laptop runs XP Home Edition and it has an administrator account and a single user account. It is also configured to present the login screen when switched on. I seem to recall that to expose the login screen as opposed to launching straight into some default account you need to tweak the settings somewhere under Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts ...? Of course this is all premature if the adminstrator account password is unknown.
Re: pceye2000

sorry only have computer since last year am not used to some of the terms and names but have access to all user accounts and cannot enter pceye program from any without run-time error 91 displaying
Hi ,

Did you ever get this resolved, I have the same thing everytime T try to log into PC eye.
Hello all, did any one get a fix on this problem as it has started happening on my pc.....again after the kids had been on it!
Thanks in advance, Dave.