Paul McKenna will make you thin


Registered User
Did anybody watch the (first?) programme tonight? What did you think? I'm willing to give it a try. I've registered on [broken link removed] giving my personal details and weight. According to the advertising after the programme, he's on again at 9 pm tomorrow (Monday) and weekly from then on. (I thought he had said he's see us this time next week - which would be Sunday, but perhaps I was wrong). Anyway he's definitely on at 9 pm on Sky One tomorrow night. I'll be tuning in. Anybody else?
What channel was it on tonight? It was on last Monday night and repeated I think on Thursday night. I saw both! I have to say I love my food but strangely enough, I haven't been hungry since watching it! Hopefully........:D
I thought it was brilliant actually....A friend who has been trying to loose weight has tried his recommendations and its really working for him...He's also going to the gym too I'm sure that helps...This friend has been able to reduce his portion sizes without feeling like hes 'doing without' by slowing down his eating considerably...

The advice he offers regarding attitudes to food is very good advice though...I have found myself thinking differently also..
Tonights show deals with emotional eating so it should be interesting...
That all sounds very positive. I just got out of bed (day off work) and don't feel at all hungry for breakfast. Maybe!!
Andrewa said:
That all sounds very positive. I just got out of bed (day off work) and don't feel at all hungry for breakfast. Maybe!!

Don't know about Paul McKennas advice is as did not see the show, but you should definitely eat breakfast (Fruit or Cereal) if you want to lose weight.
Doing this kickstarts your metabolism for the day so you are burning off calories from the very start of the day.
Also if you skip breakfast - eventually, you WILL get hungry later in the day and chances are will end up eating stuff that is much less favorable from a weight gain perspective.

Its the old boom and bust scenario, starve until you eventually crack then splurge on the stuff you should be avoiding.
Soy, Paul McKenna is really just changing the way we think about food. We all eat out of habit more than anything else. He is just telling us to eat when we're hungry and not because it's 1 o'clock or whatever. He also said that most people eat too quickly (I hold my hand up there!), we eat with our eyes rather than our bellies so we don't actually taste the food or realise when we have eaten enough.
Soy, I agree absolutely (and I did have breakfast). I was just explaining that I didn't actually feel all that hungry. PMcK has a point when he says we SHOULD eat when we're hungry (by all means), but his point (among lots of others) is to recognise that hunger for what it is. Sometimes when I eat, I think I'm hungry but I'm actually just craving a nice experience. That's different to hunger. The fact that we allow ourselves the right to eat when we're hungry, and eat what we want when we're hungry (the first and second of four points made by PMcK) frees us up to recognise hunger and realise when it's not hunger we're feeling but merely a craving. Anyway, not wanting to be too longwinded, I just want to say that I'll be giving it a try and I feel it could be successful.
I didn't see the first episode, but will watch tonight. Do you have to have seen the first epsiode to follow it do you think?
Cyrstal said:
Do you have to have seen the first epsiode to follow it do you think?
Well, he gave out his four golden rules but he might repeat them (you can always get them off the website anyway I guess)...
Cyrstal - I don't think you'll have needed to see the first show, because I'm sure that he will re-cap along the way. He will realise that some people missed the first night and will reiterate the 4 'rules' (he calls them something else I think), which are (1) Eat when you're hungry; (2) Eat what you want; (3) Eat consciously; (4) When you're full .. Stop. I imagine he will constantly hark back to these. Also there is a family doing the course along with us (on TV). They will have started a bit before us, so we can watch them as they go along and we can preview how things will go with ourselves. So, in a nutshell (not!), no you don't need to have seen last night. Watch tonight and enjoy.
If you like his approach then I'd recommend a great little book called 'The seven secrets of slim people'.....excellent read. (
No one will make you thin except yourself if you stop eating as much. It is just a gimmick and he makes a lot of money out of it. One thing to remember is all people are different and what works for one wont for another. But you know that anyway.
I agree that you will only become slim if you eat less. This is not in contradiction to anything that PMcK has said. Using his techniques should enable one to enjoy food more, eat it more slowly and eat less of it. He's not suggesting that you'll lose weight while over-eating. Have you watched the show? I'm not sure you completely understand what he's claiming.
Swallows said:
No one will make you thin except yourself if you stop eating as much. It is just a gimmick and he makes a lot of money out of it. One thing to remember is all people are different and what works for one wont for another. But you know that anyway.
Swallows said:
No one will make you thin except yourself if you stop eating as much. It is just a gimmick and he makes a lot of money out of it. One thing to remember is all people are different and what works for one wont for another. But you know that anyway.

Its not always that easy to 'stop eating that much'......many people have been on diets for years and they have lost all sense of when they are hungry and when they are full. They eat a salad at 1.00 O clock because the diet they are on tells them they should........not because they are really hungry and fancy a salad....

His approach is about trying to get people back to the basics, eat when you are hungry, stop when you are full and eat what you really want.

If a person has always eaten like that then its hard perhaps for them to understand just how far some people are from eating this way.
Meant to add that the title ' I will make you thin' is of course a marketing ploy.....his ideas are great but you have to the work yourself.

He will make a lot of money from it but so does every other player in the 'diet industry'...the slimfast shakes, weightwatchers etc...
Although I do believe his basic principles are good..I found last nights show a bit gimmicky..I will try the tapping technique he recommended, however some of the other stuff he covered was really rushed and I lost some interest...Anyone else feel similar?
These diet programmes straight after xmas (even if it is Paul McKenna) is mostly aimed at women and telling them that they ate too much over xmas and should lose weight. I think it is a damn cheek and women should stick up for themselves a bit more and not get involved in this charade. Paul McKenna has got very rich on this hypnotism business. Has he got a book out? I object to this kind of show if you can call it that. I dont want anyone to tell me when to lose weight (except the doctor) and he/she is qualified.
Yes Lauren, it was a bit rushed and 'all over the place'. However, I'll keep trying (especially the tapping). I've been eating my meals much more slowly. Enjoyed my dinner this evening immensely and didn't feel hungry after it, although I normally immediately want a sweet or something. I have a bar of choc that someone gave me today, but I've been tapping away and don't feel any urge at the moment. It's worth a try - what can we lose?
Lauren said:
Although I do believe his basic principles are good..I found last nights show a bit gimmicky..I will try the tapping technique he recommended, however some of the other stuff he covered was really rushed and I lost some interest...Anyone else feel similar?
Andrewa said:
Yes Lauren, it was a bit rushed and 'all over the place'. However, I'll keep trying (especially the tapping). I've been eating my meals much more slowly. Enjoyed my dinner this evening immensely and didn't feel hungry after it, although I normally immediately want a sweet or something. I have a bar of choc that someone gave me today, but I've been tapping away and don't feel any urge at the moment. It's worth a try - what can we lose?

I'm dead curious about this "tapping" but not enough to sit down to watch a TV programme - I'm not sure we even have Sky 1 - we probably have. Would you tell us what the tapping procedure is?