Pass it on

It kills me because

A) JW plays for England and not for us and
B) The brits will go ott about JW for years and years to come. e.g 1966 WC. It is expected that Bobby Moore will pick up an award the same night. If the Brazilians go ott over Ronaldo, we won't hear about it. Interestingly, I would have preferred to see Paula Radcliffe win ( 3 world records this year I think) as the british nation would be far less inclined to rub other nations noses in it. Why is this I wonder?

Anyhow Cuchullain. I thought this was a craic forum. Lighten up. I did after all mention that JW was a deserving winner.


Where on the net does the quote about it being a two horse race come from?

Re: .

Smiler, I should have put the link, I don't remember which site it was I float around alot of sites on lazy Saturdays. Did a search and found the same quote here:

[broken link removed]

Just been reading this one:

this campaign seems to have picked up momentum and has sparked great debate about GAA in the UK. Nice to see something good might come from this sort of thing,00.html

What a cop out!

I have watched the BBC Sports Personality most years for the last 10-15 years.

I don't ever remember a 'BBC Northern Ireland Sports Personality of the Year'.

If it has happened in the past it never featured on the main show. It will be interesting to see if he is mentioned in next week's show.

I totally disagree with those who are annoyed by this campaign. I would probably agree that it was a total farce if people wanted to vote for Glen Crowe or Setanta O'Halpin because rightly why should they be considered.

Peter Canavan is a worthy nomination and Gaelic Games forms a huge part of Northern Irish culture and sport. The Brits consider those that play the sport in the North as British so why should it be completely ignored on the big night?

If you look at the sports they do cover on the night I'm pretty sure there will be plenty of sports played by far less people in the UK than those who participate and support GAA in the 6 counties.

I'll look forward to seeing what they do.
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I think it would be rather underhand if the BBC give Canavan the NI prize and ignore him on the big night.

Maybe next year, the campaign should pick a lowly ranked English darts player or netball player and see how they like it.

In fact if you compile a list of five, they will all make it to the short list on the night and you might see someone strange win it.

No. That will never work.

People will not vote for a lowly darts player just because an e-mail tells them to so that they can screw with the results.

The reason Canavan has been so successful is because he grabs people attention. Apart from trying to mess with proceedings (which all a darts palyer would do) it has an extra dimension of capturing the imagination of people who read the e-mail and vote for him and send it on to others.

If it didn't have a solid grounding and a genuine person who deserves recognition, it simply wouldn't work.
sportsman etc


Yes your rite. Its the medja to blame not the sportspeople themselves. Paula is everyones favourite and I suspect that if she has a good olympics that will put her out in front (?) next year.
ps if Bobby Moore picks up anything on the night most of us will This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language bricks.
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It's all a big joke and not something that I would take seriously.

However Smiler, I disagree that people would not vote for a darts player because they wouldn't "capture peoples imagination".

Didn't Ronny O'Brien win some person of the Century award a few years ago. I don't recall his sublime skills ever capturing my imagination.

Ah yes. But that will only work once. Back then it was a relatively new concept and the very idea of scuppering a 'Person of the Century' vote with a nobody in itself captured people's imagination.

Try it again now and I bet it won't work. Each time a similar idea starts there has to be a new dimension to it for it to really take hold.
JW now.....

available at 1/100

M Johnson at 90/1
P Canavan & P Radcliffe 200/1