parking bollards


Registered User
Hi all,

I am wondering if I put parking bollards outside my wall where do I stand legal. I have about 80 meters of a pull in area. The road is a side road with only room for one car. The reason I am looking to put down bollards is that some cars are driving on the pull in area without slowing down. I plan to leave a space big enough for a lorry or tractor to pull in, but i am fed up off cars driving to fast and with my kids I what to stop this speeding from outside my house. Just wondering on how I stand legally.

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Do you mean:
1) Your house is on a very narrow road
2) The road widens around your entrance (40 metres each side) so two cars can pass
3) Cars are driving at high speed past each other (and your gate)
4) You want to slow them down

Is this it?
Firstly I would advise you to remove the maps link to your house, I don't think it's a good idea to show this on an internet forum.

The area left between the edge of the road and garden wall was probably a condition of planning. Erecting bollards therefore would be a breach of planning. You would also be likely to have some liability in any accident that involved the bollards.

Another option to consider would be a couple of flower pots placed close to your wall that will still allow traffic to pull in but make them stop/slow to avoid hitting the pots. Again though you leave yourself open to a claim of liability if there was an accident. I think your risk would be much lower with the pots rather than bollards.
Hi llgon,

thanks for your reply. Think I will get some legal advise from sols and also contact the council.
