parked illegally in a loading area but with a wheelchair sticker?



Using my parent's wheelchair sign (they've no car - depend on family) stopped to collect cleaning on loading area as no parking of any type available. Walked 10 metres, paid for cleaning, was approx 3 mins. Traffic warden was just finished writing summons. Must have been waiting in shadows watching me leave car. I was definitely parked illegally in a loading area but with a wheelchair sticker? Was this justified?

Split from here: Failing to stop at stop sign. Wrong street mentioned on summons, can I weasel out?
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Re: driving offence

Unfortunately, unless a disabled driver or passenger was there at the time, think you're stumped there and warden would have been justified. Mind you, even with a sticker and disabled person on board, I'm not sure are you allowed park in a loading area? Open to correction tho.
Re: driving offence

I think that it is a gross abuse of disabled driver pass to use car to collect cleaning.

If you get a fine, pay up.

If you fight it, you could get a heavier fine. you cetainly will not have sympathy of judge.
Re: driving offence

Yes it was... and how dare you abuse that parking sticker....
Re: driving offence

was the ticket for the loading bay parking or the fact you had no disabled passenger with you ? I think the former ?
Re: Parking in Diabled Bay without permit

Think sign has a point - leaving out the sticker misuse for the moment, in my experience, wardens are extremely vigilant re unauthorised use of loading bays. I think this may have been your offence on this occasion.
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Surely a disabled sticker allows the car to be parked in "disabled" spaces. It's not a licence to park anywhere and everywhere. The offence was parking in a loading bay. Having a disabled sticker or permit was irrelevant.
Have to agree with Kalel on this one, and for paloma to think that having a disabled permit could or should make a difference in this case is unbelievable.
Is there a requirement for a disabled person to be actually using the vehicle (even as a passenger) for the disabled parking permit to be valid, or does it apply regardless?
I was definitely parked illegally in a loading area but with a wheelchair sticker? Was this justified?
As above - no. You were illegally parked and the permit did not have any bearing on the situation.
This is one of my pet hates - drivers mis-using a disabled sticker. I always report misuse of this concession.

I don't wish you any more bother than you are already in but the traffic warden may also report the misuse if they ntoiced it.

Pay the fine your due and read the instructions issued with the sticer for correct use.
Is there a requirement for a disabled person to be actually using the vehicle (even as a passenger) for the disabled parking permit to be valid, or does it apply regardless?

The disabled permit is for the PERSON not the VEHICLE. The permit carries the photograph of the person. Therefore a disabled driver or passenger has the benefit of the the permit in whatever vehicle they are currently travelling.
The disabled permit is for the PERSON not the VEHICLE. The permit carries the photograph of the person. Therefore a disabled driver or passenger has the benefit of the the permit in whatever vehicle they are currently travelling.

Yes, that is pretty clear from Caveat's link above.
Do individual traders own loading bays? I thought they were owned by the local authority?
Paloma, if your parents have one of these cards and you are one of their drivers, then at some stage, when you have been struggling with one of your parents, you've probably come across some other clown that has parked in such a way to make it impossible to bring a wheelchair alongside the passenger side of the car and had to improvise by using a loading bay. Or even worse found a car parked in a wheelchair parking spot without a card. However, your parent(s) were not with you, from reading you post. I know it can be frustrating, time consuming and pressurising looking after an invalid, but unless you have that person with you in the car, you don't have a leg to stand on here. You may pay the fine.
But what if god forbid the wheelchair passenger fell ill, was taken away via ambulance and the driver was merely returning to collect the car ?

Or if the driver was merely returning to drive the car closer to the wheelchair bound passenger who might be around the corner ? A traffic warden has no way of knowing the exact circumstances.

I'm interested in the thought processes of the warden vs the law here.
But what if god forbid the wheelchair passenger fell ill, was taken away via ambulance and the driver was merely returning to collect the car ?

Presumably the hospital could verify this was the case.

sign said:
Or if the driver was merely returning to drive the car closer to the wheelchair bound passenger who might be around the corner ? A traffic warden has no way of knowing the exact circumstances.

Then either (a) bring the warden to the permit holder, or (b) bring the permit holder to the warden.