Parishioners asked to fund pay-offs for paedophiles victims

Seriously? did he actually say those words?
Yep...We couldn't believe it either ! The auld git was straight out of the Old and brimstone, ya know ? (He was old enough to have actually have been involved too! )

Went to a local chirch afterwards and the priest was more interested in what would make the mammies happy and chatting to me about rugby (I was wearing an All Blacks t-shirt at the time) than my interest in the church.
We went to see the boss of the local monastery and were told that we were 'no better than the savages in Africa' if we didn't get married in an RC church and have any future sprogs christened.

What a nice guy.
It gets better and better.

So, any takers?
Mrs Beaky and I have often discussed the merits of Quakerism and have come to the conclusion that if we do decide to practice anything, it will be that. Happy enough at the moment being nothing. Both born as Catholics but I stopped going to church in 1966 (a kinda daring at the time, and she, in the early 70s.
Back to the original topic re funding.
I understand the funding was requested to help the victims re-build their lives. Does anyone actually believe that. Surely like anyone else, he who breaks the law pays the price.
Perhaps had the church not spent so much time and effort on legals denying their actions there might be money in the kitty to rehabilitate their victims.
Back to the topic,

Asking lay people to stump up the cash makes me think of the Father Ted episode:

"Kicking Bishop Brennan up the This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language"

There is one crucial difference, the Church is supposed to be the moral leader and to know what is right as did it's founder.

The Church practices Evil and continues to do so. They do not know right from wrong.
In relation to the institution's hatred of women I forget to mention that any member of the organisation who wanted to be with a women were barred from the organisation, you could rape and abuse children and be taken care of but to be with a woman was the greatest sin of all.

When one sees the treatment of Eamon Casey and others one should reflect on that as verus the treatment of paedophiles. It is interesting that one clergy member has thought fit to point out that if one is a paedophile than the level of culpability in committing the crime is less and so the punishment should be less.

Now we see that Brady has been hiding cases by getting victims in the past to sign sworn documents that they will never tell their story. So much for transparency and honesty in dealing with the sins of the past. I think the Garda Commissioner should ask the Church for all it's files where people have signed documents to hide a crime and who had no legal representation when they signed them.
I think the Garda Commissioner should ask the Church for all it's files where people have signed documents to hide a crime and who had no legal representation when they signed them.

Why ask?

The Gardai raided Anglo and they recently raided Wicklow CC (regarding the Bray Firefighter fatalities), so what's wrong with the Dawn Raid and a big pole to bash the door in?
When one sees the treatment of Eamon Casey and others one should reflect on that as verus the treatment of paedophiles.

How was Eamonn Casey treated by the church? The question seems to imply that he was treated badly but there is no evidence of this. In fact the opposite is the case. He is still a Bishop, entitled to wear the fancy robes and mitre. It was his own decision to resigh and it was accepted with deep regret. He was an appalling hypocrite for over eighteen years while preaching morals at everyone else. He was a showman who loved the attention and he is no loss to anyone. Defending this man is no comfort to those damaged by
paedophiles, one has nothing to do with the other.
Anyone else think Cardinal Brady is a "dead man walking"... He will give plenty of reasons and bluster about why he shouldn't resign but ultimately he will resign (and rightly so).
With the recent revelation regarding Ratsinger and now the Primate of All Ireland any apoligist for the crimes of the Catholic church surely cannot defend them now.
I was never in any doubt that this went all the way to the top and surely others can see this now?
Time to get these dinosaurs, out of our schools and out of our lives.
They just don't get it do they? Cardinal Brady's is basically saying "it wasn't my job to report Brendan Smyth to the Gardaí so why should I resign".

Their only obedience seems to be to Canon Law and as has been pointed out here by somone (I can't remember who) they are like a fifth column with allegiance to Rome and Canon Law above all else. How the Cardinal can insist it isn't a resigning matter is beyond belief (pun intended).

Added to this the Pope assisting in moving/hiding a paedophile, why would anyone remain a member of this Church?
It is interesting that one clergy member has thought fit to point out that if one is a paedophile than the level of culpability in committing the crime is less and so the punishment should be less.

Who said that ?
(Am I correct in understanding that they said that a paedophile wasn't as bad as someone who had a consenting adult partner ? If so then the mind boggles even more than usual !)

Totally agree. Imagine the outcry if the Muslims living in Ireland decided to implement their own law (Sharia law?) and decided to live by that law over the law of the land! It is time we stood up once and for all to the Church. As regards the position of the Pope, the concept of his infallability and being the representative on Earth of some extra terrestial God has been proven once and for all to be utter rubbish.

I come from a generation where religion was caned and beaten into us as schoolchildren in the sixties and seventies and where the lives of our parents were being continuously interfered with by priests, bishops and popes. To think that a bishop, with warped views, even formulated the Irish Constitution with DeValera and the Church still tried to control my sexuality when I became an adult in the late seventies by enforcing in law through our corrupt politicians the prevention of sale of contraceptives while they were covering up and perpetrating the continuous abuse of innocent children! It all seems so ridiculous now. Thank God we have reared a generation of educated and self- confident youn people who can exorcise society of their dominance,
They just don't get it do they? Cardinal Brady's is basically saying "it wasn't my job to report Brendan Smyth to the Gardaí so why should I resign".

Didn't he say previously that he would resign if it was shown that anything he did contributed to the abuse of children? Surely getting people to sign these agreements in order to cover up Brendan Smyth's abuse allowing him to go on and commit more abuse is about as close as you can get to his original resignation criteria.

Sometimes Godwins law prevents the rational mind from drawing obvious parallels, but seriously, the following orders defence just can't work here.
Sometimes Godwins law prevents the rational mind from drawing obvious parallels...

Does Godwins law apply to Father Ted???

Ted: "I'm not a fascist. I'm a priest. Fascists dress up in black and tell people what to do. Whereas priests......More drink!"
The phrase "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing ", has never been more appropriate in my opinion.

You should ask the people who go to church every week, those who agree with the way the Church is in control of our Irish schools and hospitals about that, as they continuously support and finance their evil organisation and the cover up of the evil it did.

Let's look to the leader of the Irish people Brian Cowen as he can't plainly say, 'Brady was wrong, and by not reporting Smith to the authorities for his wicked wicked criminal actions he was culpable in the continuing rape of children and therefore he should resign,' even more so because he portrayes himself by his religion as a man who knew right from wrong and was a well educated man at that. Coward, the Taoiseach is a coward. It is utterly indefensibly. My how the powerful are in thrall to the Church. Still.
My prediction: Brady will not resign. The churches leaders do not bow to the opinion of us mortals. What should be done is that every church-goer who believes Brady should resign should stop going to mass until he does. But that won't happen. Because we are a nation of cowards. We have a hugely incompetent government still in power after bring the country to its knees. What did we do about it? Nothing. And we will do nothing about this too.

Organise something so, or stand on your own to show the way. Don't assume that others are cowards because they do not share your views.