Parcel Motel

Just got an email today from DPD saying their virtual address in NI will cease operations from 11th Dec due to customs issue
Thought it seemed short notice too. Maybe they just don't need the extra hassle in the run up to Christmas and the chances of parcels arriving later that expected and then customs/duty being due on them. I've some stuff due Nov 30 - Dec 10 so hope none of it is late, as it was all ordered before the notification.
Just got an email today from DPD saying their virtual address in NI will cease operations from 11th Dec due to customs issue
I was going to change from Parcel Motel, as they have now increased their price by nearly 14% to €4.50, to DPD PW and if they are giving it up, they are keeping it well hidden on their site.
Or at least I couldn't find any reference to it ( just had a quick look around ) and they are still making it very easy to sign up.
Has anyone else received the notification?

I've not seen it mentioned on any other social media, only here and by one person.
The email said:

  • If you have an unused balance on your Virtual Address account after the service ceases, this will be refunded directly to you via SagePay before the end of January 2021. You don't need to take any action - the refund will be automated.
Didn't see an email - first I saw was in the papers.

Nothing on the website.

Might as well cancel Amazon Prime as well. It was good while it lasted!
I've a package coming from Paris to Newtownabbey - fingers crossed it arrives before that!

I'm happy that PM UK will reject from 28th until the new regime is clearly in place. I and most others wouldn't want to pay customs and VAT when they import it down here, and they wouldn't have an accurate customs value anyway.
We will.

Amazon UK already apply Irish VAT, and no other duties are due on packages under €150. Packages under €22 might even be cheaper than at present, as technically no VAT is due when importing small packets (exemption expires July 2021).

Also, goods coming from an EU warehouse will still be duty free, and possibly accessible via Amazon UK.

The above is all assuming of course that the UK exits the customs union, which is far from clear.

I'd prefer to support Irish businesses, but not at delivery times that are 5-7 times slower. I finished some last minute Christmas shopping on Amazon yesterday afternoon, and some of it arrived today!
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Its the delivery aspect that's the main issue.

Lots of companies either won't deliver to ROI addresses or charge silly money.