Interest in calculated daily so you're better off paying down a portion of debt earlier rather than later. However I'd caveat all that by pointing out a mortgage rate of 2.15% is exceptionally low in the current environment. Assuming you've good willpower and won't squander it, you'd be financially better off availing of some of the high rate fixed products mentioned in the best buys thread.
Rates are frequently updated. Information last changed: 26 February 2025. Highest Term Deposit Rates 3 Months - Easisave - 3.10% 6 Months - Easisave - 2.90% 1 Year - Easisave and PTSB - 2.75% 2 Years - AIB - 2.77% 3 Years - Easisave - 2.75% 4 Years - Klarna (direct) - 2.67% 5 Years -...
With a fixed mortgages rate of 2.15% any deposit rate guaranteeing you better than 3.21% would leave you better off saving rather than paying down your mortgage.
Not for everyone but one that is worth considering before making any payments:
A recent post got me thinking are we close to the point where it makes financial sense to save rather than to pay down debt i.e., for some borrowers the return on savings (net of DIRT & PRSI) is greater than overpaying a fixed rate mortgage. There was a point in the past where this strategy...