OT rants about teachers, guards and other public servants

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Re: 10 things that dont make sense about the McCarthy Report.

But of course, we all know that the MSFT income figures in Ireladn and those of the other multinationals have little to do with business, and everything to do with transfer pricing that minimises their global tax liability.

Thank God for that....we need every cent of tax revenue we can get.

We've got a €20bn hole in our accounts, and it doesn't look like anyone wants to cut any spending.....in fact, SIPTU are looking to increase it further.
Re: 10 things that dont make sense about the McCarthy Report.

I was shocked recently to hear that gardai got an allowance when they were on leave because they would miss out on being able to claim for some other allowances while they were away.
This isn't just confined to gardai. Nurses, Ambulance drivers and anyone who gets premium payment on a regular basis gets it. It's called Holiday Premium Pay.
Re: 10 things that dont make sense about the McCarthy Report.

This isn't just confined to gardai. Nurses, Ambulance drivers and anyone who gets premium payment on a regular basis gets it. It's called Holiday Premium Pay.

It's called taking the mickey !!

What a disgrace
Re: 10 things that dont make sense about the McCarthy Report.

Thank God for that....we need every cent of tax revenue we can get.
Isn't it funny how no-one considers the possibility that MSFT and their cohorts might be a possible source of additional tax revenue? I guess it is easier to hit the soft targets instead.
Re: 10 things that dont make sense about the McCarthy Report.

It's called taking the mickey !! What a disgrace
I worked in payroll years ago -HSE-and on the scale of things the holiday premium pay is a drop in the big bucket.
Re: 10 things that dont make sense about the McCarthy Report.

Re: 10 things that dont make sense about the McCarthy Report.

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Re: 10 things that dont make sense about the McCarthy Report.

Isn't it funny how no-one considers the possibility that MSFT and their cohorts might be a possible source of additional tax revenue? I guess it is easier to hit the soft targets instead.

nYup – the real Socialist crackpot economics of the 70s and 80s is back. Fair play Comrade Complainer.

nJack up Corporation Tax and see how long it takes Microsoft, Intel, and all the other globally mobile companies that have brought so many high quality highly paid jobs into our economy to rework the business case and up sticks and go to Eastern Europe or India.

In case you have not noticed, a large number of globally mobile companies are already on the very of relocating due to our excessive labour costs and restrictive working practices. Dell are just the most public example.

nWith the large scale mass unemployment that increasing corporation tax rates would trigger, who is going to pay for the gold plated pesnions for overpaid public servants then?

Even the twits in Planet SIPTU aren’t suggesting to increase corporation tax.
Re: 10 things that dont make sense about the McCarthy Report.

nYup – the real Socialist crackpot economics of the 70s and 80s is back. Fair play Comrade Complainer.

And the economics of the last twenty years has left us where, exactly?
Re: 10 things that dont make sense about the McCarthy Report.

And the economics of the last twenty years has left us where, exactly?

In a whole lot better position than we were in 1987, when McSharry finally grabbed the country by the throat.

We need someone like him to come in and stop the massive overspend on public sector pay and welfare that is making our existing situation a whole lot worse.
Re: 10 things that dont make sense about the McCarthy Report.

In a whole lot better position than we were in 1987, when McSharry finally grabbed the country by the throat.

1987. The year social partnership came into its own?
Re: 10 things that dont make sense about the McCarthy Report.

The year that the Unions finally agreed that their belligerent tactics weren't working,

the year that huge pay rises and recruitment in the public sector ended dramatically,

the year that socialist dogma pedalled by Labour was decimated in elections,

the year that low corporate taxes were copperfastened into government policy,

the year that the Progressive Democrats shaped economic policy for the following decade,

the year that that the decimation casued by the profligacy of the Fitzgerald and Lynch eras ended.

We need another cold bath like this to save the economy - but our current batch of politicians of all parties lack the spine to do this
Re: 10 things that dont make sense about the McCarthy Report.

1987. The year social partnership came into its own?
Rubbish. In 1987 the government and the unions agreed a pay strategy. That worked out fine for the first few years but by the mid 90’s the unions, or more specifically SIPTU with their block vote in the ICTU, were dictating whole swathes of economic and social policy to our elected government. Their alliance with the other vested interest groups say the country carved up in an unholy trade off where the property developers CIF got their tax breaks as long as ICTU got their massive pay increases.
Re: 10 things that dont make sense about the McCarthy Report.

There is indeed a tipping point at which increases in corporate taxation are counter-productive. But perhaps it might be worth exploring what that tipping point is. Is it 12.6%, or maybe 13% or maybe 16%?

You might to stick a little bit closer to reality with your future rants. In relation to corporation tax, nothing much happened in 1987. The important years are detailed in this Wikipedia article on Irish corporation tax;

In the 1987 election, Labour dropped 4 seats, from 16 down to 12. Certainly not a good result, but hardly 'decimation'. Given the the Workers Party gained two seats, and FG suffered even bigger losses with their right-wing policies, there is no basis to claim this represents a rejection of socialist policies by Irish voters. And isn't it strange how you didn't feel it necessary to mention the Spring tide bounce back in 1992?

Never let the facts get in the way of a good rant, eh?
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