Opinions on Mary Robinson, please

The world will never be perfect, that doesn’t mean that we should accept things as they are.
Don't tell that to the local chapter of AA. And I don't mean Myles Whatdoyoucallhim's crowd on roadwatch
Re: Honest opinions on Mary Robinson, please

i think she offered more to the world by taking up that job rather than staying president of ireland

Some comments ..
  • She wasn't the electorate's first choice for the office. IIRC, Brian Lenihan was ahead on first preferences; Mary Robinson got to the Aras ahead of him on transfers (can't remember the third candidate - Austin Currie ?). I'm not convinced that PR is appropriate method for our Presidential election/single-seat constituency.
  • In the office, she did a good job and raised it's visibility domestically and abroad.
  • She left a taint on her legacy with the undignified way she bolted for the UN for a job no-one had heard of beforehand, or since. Her cheerleaders in the Irish media were gushing about how important and influential the UN job was. Yet, who (without research), can recall who her predecessor, or her successor, was ? Or the current holder of the office ?
    The way the Irish media painted it, you would swear the job was next-in-line to UN General Secretary. And, on that, what does the UN ever do, beyond a Father Ted-like 'Down with that sort of thing' ?
Maybe all these "do gooders" annoy us because our achievements or contributions seem meagre compared to theirs, and maybe they'e into self-promotion and love the accolades... BUT... on balance they have added more to society that their annoyance coefficient takes away.

So let's not be too hard on:

  • Bono
  • Bob Geldof (moany bleedin accent though)
  • Maire Mhic Roibin
  • Sting
  • Peace Process bandwagoners (too numerous to list)
Fair enough Betsy Og - apart from Sting.

I'm not making any allowances for him - not just because he's a do gooder but because he's a pretentious, self righteous, annoying, aloof git with a palpable air of smug spirituality...IMO.

And his music is even crap since about 1983.


If Sting is so concerned about the rainforest, why doesn't he go live there and reduce the global epidemic of boring MOR elevator music.

And, another point about Mary Robinson - naming your son Aubrey - how cruel is that ?