Opinions on Mary Robinson, please



I personally find many of her comments quite offensive, and don't like being talked (spoken (?)) down to. For example her behaviour over the recent (G-20 I think) economic summit that coincided with some do-gooder conference she was involved in was insulting to all concerned, and did her no credit.

Plus I think I heard or read somewhere that she thinks we should take in some of the 'exonerated' Guantanamo prisoners.
Re: Honest opinions on Mary Robinson, please

The Lisa Simpson of Irish politics. Over achiever that puts the rest of us to shame.
Re: Honest opinions on Mary Robinson, please

Always thought she was a bit sactimonious myself.
Re: Honest opinions on Mary Robinson, please

Thought she was too good to be president.
Re: Honest opinions on Mary Robinson, please

I felt it was very poor form to leave the Presidency of Ireland for another job. She was elected and sworn in for a full term.
Re: Honest opinions on Mary Robinson, please

I felt it was very poor form to leave the Presidency of Ireland for another job. She was elected and sworn in for a full term.

i think she offered more to the world by taking up that job rather than staying president of ireland
Re: Honest opinions on Mary Robinson, please

Did some legal work for a group of us before she became president, left to become president before the job was done. Never sent us a bill.
Re: Honest opinions on Mary Robinson, please

I think that her first visit to Somalia changed her in a profound way (the sights and sounds are different when you are there and you can’t get the smell on TV). I would never criticise her for what she did. She is a great Irish person and we should be proud of her and the place she had and still has on the world stage.
Re: Honest opinions on Mary Robinson, please

walked out on the Irish Presidency. Very full of her own importance and I felt she always believed herself to be too big for Ireland. So glad she left when she did allthough she's cloned herself to keep an eye on her home base, Ivana Bacik anyone!
1 of the 'do as I say not as I do' brigade (leader= Bono) when it comes to poverty and giving more to the 3rd world..... have you seen the pension she's currently getting from her time as president....136k. outrageous.
Re: Honest opinions on Mary Robinson, please

If she were to practice as a barriser, she'd be earning a lot more.
Re: Honest opinions on Mary Robinson, please

Ivana Bacik does not have the same political agenda as Mary Robinson.
People who have a high income are entitled to hold views in social issues. I do not know how Mary Robinson (or Bono) spends her money but I am sure that they both give a considerable amount of their time to causes which are to the greater good. Your comments smack of small minded begrudgery.
In fairness the OP has asked for honest opinion, so let us all have our say!

I think she is a fine barrister, was a valuable contributor to social reform in Ireland in the 70s and 80s. I think she agreed to run for Presidency in the belief that she would not get elected, maybe with the promise of something else from Dick Spring. She managed to get elected through FF shooting themselves in the foot with comments by Pee Flynn and poor Brian tripping himself up.

I agree with other posters that she gave the impression of too big for Ireland and that she used the Presidency to promote herself, which is fair enough as politics goes.

But I still believe it was not right to leave without completing her full term. Her oath of office did not contain a line about staying in the Aras until a better job offer was made!
Re: Honest opinions on Mary Robinson, please

was asked for an opinion so I gave it. No begrudgery at all, but hate to hear people who earn fortunes lecturing the general populace about the 3rd world etc. She was president for less than 7 years and earns a pension of 136k. She's probably also earning a not inconsiderable sum from her time as a senator.
She quit the post, the highest in this land, once a better job offer came along.
Re: Honest opinions on Mary Robinson, please

She quit the post, the highest in this land, once a better job offer came along.
I do not think that was her motivation. Do you remember the TV reports from Somalia when she visited there? It was clear that it had a profound effect on her.
Despite this I do have mixed feelings about her resigning as President but I do not think it was because of political ambition; I think she felt a moral imperative to do what she could to help.
I was not a huge fan of hers before she became President and I agree that she could be sanctimonious but I never doubted her motives and feel that she is a person of impeccable character, as well as considerable ability. A few more morally courageous civically minded citizens would do this country no harm.
Re: Honest opinions on Mary Robinson, please

feel that she is a person of impeccable character, as well as considerable ability. A few more morally courageous civically minded citizens would do this country no harm.

Here here, couldn't put it better myself!
Can't stand her, as an former emigrant, I hated her "candle in the window" stuff and like many people in the same position overseas, I would have loved to have told her what to do with it
Detest the way she used the presidency to get a better job elsewhere. Why did she run if at the back of her mind she was always going to walk out to something else?
Re: Honest opinions on Mary Robinson, please

she's cloned herself to keep an eye on her home base, Ivana Bacik anyone!
Oh please, don't insult our Mary with that analogy!

I saw the cover of an Ivana Bacik biography with a quote, "Dragging Ireland into the 20th century". Now there's someone who's pompous and has an over-inflated view on themselves.