Operation Freeflow


Registered User
In anticipation of the annual thread moaning about this scheme I just thought that I'd post [broken link removed] now.
On the day the launch it they have 2 Boys in Blue stopping traffic on Leeson St @ 4pm for tax & insurance - seems bizarre!

traffic jam from terenure library up to templeogue village caused by garda at top of road making sure cars didn't use bus lane to take left at top of road forcing all the usual left turners to join the straight queue unlike normal. result - traffic jam

I never minded people using this bus lane to turn left (only pisses me off when people use them to skip the queue going straight). The reality is this lane should be a left only lane without any impact on buses. In fact, I'd say half the bus lanes around dublin should really be left only's.

Rightly or wrongly, surely on freeflow day, the guards should not be standing there making a traffic jam that otherwise wouldn't exist.
onekeano said:
On the day the launch it they have 2 Boys in Blue stopping traffic on Leeson St @ 4pm for tax & insurance - seems bizarre!
I'll give you bizarre — I passed through a tax & insurance checkpoint at 1:52 a.m. in Borris-in-Ossory, on the way home from Dublin to Limerick last night...!
took an extra 1hr this evening for my journey home, despite having 2 Gardai on point duty at two separate junctions. Should have left well enough alone!!
DrMoriarty said:
I'll give you bizarre — I passed through a tax & insurance checkpoint at 1:52 a.m. in Borris-in-Ossory, on the way home from Dublin to Limerick last night...!

It's a lot safer than hanging around Blanchardstown etc. with all those bullets flying around.

onekeano said:
It's a lot safer than hanging around Blanchardstown etc. with all those bullets flying around.

You didn't read the last bit of DrM's thread, he was heading for Limerick...
DrMoriarty said:
I'll give you bizarre — I passed through a tax & insurance checkpoint at 1:52 a.m. in Borris-in-Ossory, on the way home from Dublin to Limerick last night...!

Isn't this just random breath testing under a different guise?
DrMoriarty said:
.. a tax & insurance checkpoint at 1:52 a.m. in Borris-in-Ossory, on the way home from Dublin to Limerick last night...!

Tax & insurance checkpoints often have armed support in close attendance - it's not tax or insurance they're looking for.
ronan_d_john said:
Isn't this just random breath testing under a different guise?
Or clocking up the overtime and making an early dent in your pre-Christmas road-check 'quota'...?

Nah, I think you're probably right, although the young Garda didn't even come within 6 feet of me or ask anything other than 'Everything all right?' before walking to the far side of the car to check the discs and wave me on. I must have looked particularly sober — as well you might, heading towards Limerick in the small hours of the morning!
TarfHead said:
Tax & insurance checkpoints often have armed support in close attendance - it's not tax or insurance they're looking for.

Hardly in Borris

But yes, definitely in Finglas at the moment. They stop you on the back road from Jamestown Road to Ballymun, and there's 3 squad cars and a garda van, yet only 3 guards on the road checking the tax.

The rest must be behind the trees
I'll give you bizarre — I passed through a tax & insurance checkpoint at 1:52 a.m. in Borris-in-Ossory, on the way home from Dublin to Limerick last night...!

Definitely a drunk driving checkpoint, especially as it was a Sunday night.
ClubMan said:
I see you're adopting the RTÉ (sorry - Ahh-Tea-Eee) pronunciation of Garda!
Méala mór is m'ochón, nár fhoghlaimíos an Ghaeilge mhilis bhinn thar ocht mbliana d'aois dom.

Mar sin fhéin, saibhriú ar m'earráid déanta anois agam.
DrMoriarty said:
'Everything all right?' before walking to the far side of the car to check the discs and wave me on. I must have looked particularly sober

Dr M

I have no idea of how old you are, but I think it would be safe to assume that if you were in your late teens or early twenties, in a boy racer car with a few mates, that the conversation would have lasted a lot longer.

I,for one, am delighted to see the Gardai out at the time that fatal accidents happen, rather than in the middle of a nice sunny day.

Murt10 said:
Dr M [...] if you were in your late teens or early twenties, in a boy racer car with a few mates
Ah, God be with the days! (except the only racer I had was the two-wheeled pedal-driven variety...)
But you're quite right. My daughter could be flying around in one of those crates some day...
Travelled last two days on Rathfarnham Rd.Doddder bridge to Rathdown Rd. bus lane is now ignored by most motorists.
A Garda, lampost and bus stop carefully observed these breaches of the law on both mornings.
Guess which one was most active in upholding the law?
I think the lampost just edged it.
I find the traffic flows much better during operation free flow, both through Dublin city centre and around the M50. Well done to the Gardai, it's a pity they don't keep it going 'till the end of March when for some reason the traffic seems to get lighter.
Higher VRT, higher road taxes and more tolls. That's the answer to our traffic problems; price the poor off the road.