I reckon these are the three that Mpsox refers to:
(Bulletpoints are my own)
- Firstly, there are those who have lost their jobs and are struggling to pay things back, and ....
- secondly, those who got completely carried away and borrowed left right and centre and even if they are working, can't carry the debt burden they've loaded on themselves.
- In addition, we're losing flexibility in the workforce due to the inability of people to move for work due to negative equity.
One and two are fine - those points I got.
3 refers to a consequence, as opposed to a category of person.
As far a it goes, it appears to be incorrect, since mobility for work doesn't always require a family to relocate within the jurisdiction.
Its a small island, and the additional cost of travel and temporary lodging would be far less than the loss that would be incurred by negative equity.
If Mpsox means "relocate outside the jusridiction" then that doesn't relate to mobility within OUR workforce.