My dear Cremeegg
Earlier, you said NASA did not address certain questions.
I provided you with a single extract from the FAQ section which happened to address the majority of these questions in a simple and accessible manner for general consumption - together with a link to much more general and technical resources. You may not be happy with the answers in the simplified extract provided but please acknowledge that your previous assertion of NASA being silent on these matters was simply false (........or do you deny this also??!!). This, honestly, would be very much appreciated.
Now you are questioning the quality of these answers (in one purposely simple extract)??!! I am not an environmental scientist - I very much suspect that you are not also - so there's no point in us trying out-
blind men of Indostan each other at this stage. That said, I'd be interested to learn where exactly you find fault with the NASA findings, in this context, in relation to the South Pole. Please specify.
In the link that I provided, there is incredibly strong evidence of the consensus view of the scientific community in support of global warming being a function of our greenhouse gas emissions. Please advise whether you accept this?
The point I was making earlier is that, for the non-scientist, it comes down to who you trust as being the best authority on such subjects: NASA or Healy Rae; NASA or Trump (......where NASA is proxy for the scientific community more broadly, and Healy Rae et al are proxy for......well, it's late and I've had a beer, so I'll not elaborate

Your initial response was that it was not clear where NASA stood in relation to these matters (as in.....they are not saying thisthatandtother). Presumably, you now accept that this is simply false. So, we are left with the question I posed earlier: who should we give more credence to? If you choose to subscribe to the Healy Rae and Trump views, that is completely your prerogative. I will place my trust in alternative sources.