Online tools for eCommerce feasibility study


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I am creating some eCommerce websites and I would like to undertake a
feasibility study on my competitors. In order to access other
eCommerce websites of the same nature, I would like to know what tools
are available to me to gauage my online competition. For instance;

To see a webpage as the search engines do, running the Keyword Density
Analyzer is helpful;

- KeyWord Density: [broken link removed] Google Pagerank provides a rough ranking of a webpage

- Google Site Search: Enables me to restrict my search to a specific
website using the syntax in the Google search
- Google links: The query link:siteURL shows me the webpages that
point to that specific URL.

I would very much appreciate any other helpful tools which would
enable me to analyse my online competitors and indeed, my own website
On what criteria do you want to assess/gauge competitor's sites? Just in terms of page hits/impressions/access or also other criteria?
I just try to get as much information as is possible from my competitors sites so yes, hits/impressions/links etc are important but I was wondering if other people who have eCommerce websites use any other tools to guage their competitors success/penetration and how they guage the optimization level of the site(s).
Yea, it's definitely useful but it charges for it's services so I should probably have rephrased the title to be "Free online tools for eCommerce feasibility study". Thanks.