I have been Whelan's Butchers in Clonmel and would highly recommend it - 100%
I have been Whelan's Butchers in Clonmel and would highly recommend it - 100%
I have been Whelan's
Havealaugh-thank you so much for the tip!It arrived yesterday, absolutely love it! so fresh and such good value as well! I'm telling everyone I know! One question- how do you dispose of the packaging, I'm feeling a little guilty looking at that big polystyrene box..
Slightly off subject, but I was wondering if anyone knows of any farmers / butcher attending farmers markets in Dublin / Meath areas?
I enjoy buying local produce at the local markets but at this point mostly its cheese, bread, occasional organic choccies... what I haven't seen so far is meat produced.
I'm currently buying from local butcher, and enjoy that (tastier than supermarket me thinks), as they will cut the portion for you as you want/need it. But I'd be interested in seeing what else is out there.
Before anyone mentions it, the online isn't really an option as with only 2 of us, thats about 1 months meat just to get free delivery, and i'm not sure I have that much space in the freezer!
This thread is entitled "online butchers", did you do a search of AAM for farmers markets ????See here for example - http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?t=38063&highlight=farmers+markets
Slightly off subject, but I was wondering if anyone knows of any farmers / butcher attending farmers markets in Dublin / Meath areas?
there is a stall on Saturday mornings at Naas Farmers Market also.
Naas is 10 minutes drive from Dublin and borders Meath
Has the price of meat (beef in particular) gone through the roof?, a friend of mine was telling me last night he did a quick scan over an order from Sulmeat in early June versus late August and for the exact same items the total bill is now around 40 euro dearer !!!!It seems as it's the beef that gone up - a lot ! Has it increased in price all over the country ??
I thought it was common knowledge that food commodity prices have increased significantly in 2008.
So Naas borders Meath now !
Why did you copy an paste my reply to Mell61 ? When all I was doing was pointing out to her that this thread was about online butchers AND NOT farmers markets ! There are already existing threads on farmers market and that is where Mell61 should have posted. Simple really.
Sincere apologies
Havealaugh, as I said I did mention that the farmers markets I go to (there are 4 separate ones) close to me didn't have a butchers, hence asking the questions, so checking farmers markets is only handy if they listed what stalls are there, most have fruit / veg / cheese / jams / breads / honey, so far I didn't find any in my area that had a butchers